Biomethane Roadmap in Hungary Wien, AGCS AG, February 27, 2015 Kornél L. Kovács Hungarian Biogas Association
Present situation Underdeveloped and Limited political support Legal aspects : o EU regulations implemented o Domestic regulations: slow and very bureaucratic Political aspects : o Nuclear is preferred o Renewables not supported Policy : o Low feed-in tariff for limited period o Limitation on PV, wind green electricity feed-in o Biomethane: zero support, no market
Less than 5% of capacity is utilized Agriculture: o 40 biogas plants = 30 MW el (HU total use: 6,000-6,500 MW) o Food processing waste capacity: about 25 MW el – unused o Estimated total capacity: 1,600-1,700 MW el o Digestate: extra strict environmental regulation Waste water sludge : o facility implemented AD o Capacity: MW el Landfill: o 4 MW el in green electricity (CHP) o 5 million tons of solid waste/yr o 80 large landfill sites, 20 collect gas o Rest: torch (Pusztazámor 5 MW el !!) o Capacity: MW el Figures on Biogas No biomethane except 1 site
Legal, Technical and Economical Legal barriers : o About permits for construction and operation o Digestate is considered waste: Environmental Impact Assessment o Energy Office authorizes grid connection (feed-in plan and penalty) Technical barriers: o Biomethane is allowed but not promoted o Regulation for natural gas suppliers and grid operators apply o No filling stations for biomethane Economical barriers: o Unsecure and low feed-in tariffs o Peak, valley and deep-valley hours (9-4 €/MWh) Barriers
Limited, restricted >80% dependence on imported natural gas National Renewable Energy Strategy National Renewable Energy Action Plan Hungarian Gas Vehicle Association Subsidy for construction from EU Drivers
Studies and detailed analyses on the local benefits from biomethane production (public transportation and utility vehicles), purchase of such vehicles with EU support. Advocating social, political and economical benefits in workshops and public appearances. Training of experts and operators. In collaboration with the natural gas grid operators the development of conditions to support biomethane based transport. Implementation of „best practices” with the help from BIOSURF. Introduction of research and development results. Perspectives of development
Hungarian Biogas Conference (April 23, 2015) Increase active membership (currently about 80) Workshops for biogas operators Discussion with decision makers Biotechnological service laboratories Cross-border technology transfer (SRB, RO) Co-operation with „leading countries” within BIOSURF network, EBA, etc. Development of plans for organic waste treatment facilities with biomethane as product. What‘s in the next future
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