ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the US Department of Energy ORNL Project Management David Arakawa – DOE FPD Suzanne Herron - CPM Jack Stellern – CPM Greg Capps - PMO
2 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Outline Lab at a Glance Current and Future Projects Laboratory Organization –PM Support –PM Communication –Laboratory PMO Lesson’s Learned New Ideas
3 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lab-at-a-Glance Location: Oak Ridge, TN Type: Multiprogram laboratory Contractor: UT-Battelle, LLC Responsible Field Office: ORNL Site Office Web site: Physical Assets: 4,421 acres and 194 buildings 3.7M GSF in active operational buildings Replacement Plant Value: $5.1B 154k GSF in Excess Facilities 795k GSF in Leased Facilities Human Capital: 4,586 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees 164 joint faculty 358 postdoctoral researchers 518 undergraduate students 204 graduate students 3,215 facility users 1,888 visiting scientists FY 2013 Total Lab Operating Costs (excluding Recovery Act): $1,362.5M FY 2013 Total DOE/NNSA Costs: $1,130.4M FY 2013 WFO (Non-DOE/DHS) Costs: $204.8M FY 2013 WFO as % Total Lab Operating Costs: 15.0% FY 2013 Total DHS Costs: $27.3M Recovery Act from DOE Sources, FY 2013: $51.7M FY 2013 Funding by Source: (Cost Data in $M)
4 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Current and Future Projects Current Projects – SING II – OLCF-4 – US ITER Future Projects –Site Modernization –Waste Handling Systems –Translational Research Building –SING III –SNS: Second Target Station –OLCF-5 Building –OLCF-5
5 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Laboratory Organization Project Management part of the line organizations to support large projects
6 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Laboratory Organization Communication pathways to Senior Management
7 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Role of the PMO
8 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lessons Learned…What works Well Project initiation –Integrated suite of Project Management Tools from the beginning of the Project that can be easily accessed by all Project participants –Document/records management tool selected at beginning of the Project that can be easily accessed by all Project participants (must consider Engineering data as well as Project documents) Systems/Integration management –Tiered approval system for field changes –WEB based change control system –Develop a checklist and notification method to alert multiple contractors of design changes (concrete, steel, general contractors…..) Reviews –Use of “red” team review prior to external project reviews –Routine peer reviews Scope management –Seek maximum bang for the buck (optimize design performance within budget and schedule constraints) –Decisions driven by long term vision
9 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lessons Learned…What works Well Cost Management –Construction manager and commissioning agent engaged early for estimating and constructability reviews during the design phase –Development of escalation rates using PPI –Industry input during design phase to ensure most cost effective manufacturing processes –Strong design/value engineering reviews Time Management –Drive schedule - Work toward an aggressive schedule while baselining the “confident” milestones –3 rd party software to examine schedule quality (Acumen) –Integration of subcontractor schedules in Project schedule –Plan work for ALL the funding (preferably more) –Monitor funding usage and be ready to give additional funding to advance schedule (something will slip) QA –Need strong QA program to assure accountability
10 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lessons Learned…What works Well Human Resource management –Experienced and well qualified project team a must –Project Control Analysts matrixed to Project managers –HR toolkit –Use of multi-lab collaborations to obtain broad skills mix –Ensure Project mentality (not program) –Transition from concept through various stages of project execution (Design to commissioning) must be considered in key roles –Ensure dedicated, full time staff for all areas –Startup and roll off staff planning critical –Build in unambiguous accountability for project performance (Lab PEMP, project leadership, individuals) Communications –Dedicated Communications manager –Metrics package including metrics for all project aspects (QA, procurement, funding, EV,..) –Posting of metrics Hallway review meetings with Management team –Project Controls Sharepoint site –Integrated Project management tools –Electronic review & approvals
11 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lessons Learned…What works Well ES&H –Strong management commitment to safety (emphasis from beginning) –Only contractors with good safety records can bid –“white” hate oversight –On-site nurse station –Master ES&H plan for all site work –Frequent celebrations –Crafts participate in Job Hazards Analysis and work process development Procurement management –Dedicated procurement group (located with project team) –Incentivized contracts (safety, cost, schedule) –Incrementally fund large contracts –Increased procurement authority for project –Tailor contract strategies to specific risks Risk management –Integrated cost & schedule risk analysis –Active tracking of risk mitigation activities –Scope enhancements and scope contingencies identified early –Centrally managed contingency
12 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Lessons Learned…What works Well Transition to Ops –Must define and require information/data needs for tracking components from receipt, Maintenance Management, and Operations at beginning of Project –Early attention to the development of commissioning plans
13 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop Project Categories How is a project categorized Project categories Where are Project Controls Issues Project Controls positions…
14 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop DOE O 413 Projects at ORNL
15 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop DOE Order Project Initiation Understand the project How does it fit at ORNL Requirements for leadership Reviews…
16 DOE SC OPA Project Management Workshop DOE Order Project Initiation Lessons Learned