Review for Islam Test Know Basic Facts on Study Guide Be able to explain major concepts on Study Guide Essay Option #1: How has Islam impacted the Middle East? Essay Option #2: How does the media impact our view of the Middle East? Mind Map of Terms: Making Connections
Background Founded by the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad was born 570 AD in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Muslims believe that the archangel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad in his adult life and revealed truths to him about how to live Monotheism (the belief in one god) Islam grew out of Judaism and Christianity and shares many of the beliefs of these religions Two sects-the Sunni and the Shiite/Sh’ia-split after his death over questions of leadership The word “Islam” is an Arabic word that means both “surrender” and “peace” The word “Muslim” means “one who submits to Allah (God)”
Basic Facts about Islam God is called Allah A person who submits to Allah and follows the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim Islam is the world's second largest religion (behind Christianity) Over 1.3 billion people follow Islam More than half of world's Muslims live in South and Southeast Asia The countries with the largest Muslim populations are Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. About one-fourth of all Muslims live in the Middle East. Several million Muslims live in the United States. 2nd largest religion in US.
Judo-Christian-Islamic Tradition Similarities Monotheisim Belief in prophets Believe in a lineage from Adam and Eve Belief in the Day of Judgement Differences Jews do NOT believe Jesus was the son of God Christians do NOT believe Muhammad was the final prophet sent by God
% of Muslim population 1.6 billion people are Muslim 23.4% of world’s population 20% live in the Middle East and North Africa
5 pillars Duties of Muslims Shahadah (profession of faith) Salat (prayer) Zakat (charity) Ramadan (holy month) Hajj (pilgrimage)
Sources of Authority Quran: God’s word Hadith: Sayings of Muhammad Sunna: Behaviors of Muhammad Sharia: Islamic law based on interpretations of the Quran, Hadith and Sunna
Hadith Sayings of the Prophet Examples: “Whoever suppresseth his anger, when he hath in his power to show it, God will give him a great reward.” “The exercise of religious duties will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue.” “Trust in God, but tether your camel” “The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female.” “The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.”
Sunna Examples of the Prophet Examples: Dress: wear clean, neat clothing – not brightly colored. The specific method of prayer. Don’t eat garlic (or other pungent food) when you know you’ll be in a closed space – mosque for example. Look people in the eyes when you talk to them. Cover for people’s flaws
Jihad Definition: struggle; a sincere and noticeable effort for righteousness; achieving a higher moral standard Levels of Jihad: 1. Personal Jihad – varying a bad habit, trying to be a better person in some specific way (90+%) 2. Social Justice – resisting an injustice without fighting like MLK, Gandhi (4%) 3. Just War – to struggle or fight against an injustice (1%) – a last resort
Sunni - Shii Sunnis are the majority in most Muslim communities. Indonesia has the largest number of Sunnis. Shii are the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain. Iran has the largest number of Shii.
Sunni – Shii populations
Women Traditions often based on geography Burqas, hijabs, and other clothing requirements in some areas and chosen by some Islamic women in other areas Human rights violations are not approved of by Islam The Quran supports the equality of men and women