Psalm 34:8, 1 Peter 2:2-3,Malachi 3:10
Get into your Bible: (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:16-17) Take notes, write a commentary, Ask questions, write out verses, Mark verses – questions, commands, promises, warnings, outstanding things, Ask what God is saying intimately to you – ask questions and pursue answers, Memorise verses, Work with others.
Get into Prayer: (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 6:18) Make a space for praying in, Make Lists or keep journals, Use Bible prayers or patterns but expand on them. Walk and pray, talk out loud in your room, Work with others, 30 mins a day challenge.
Change Your Mindset and Worship: (Philippians 4:4-6, Ephesians 5:19-20) Make sure you’re thankful in the morning, Don’t go to bed angry with God, Write your own Psalms, Learn new hymns or choruses, Share with someone the joys God has given, Set each other assignments.
Do Something: (Romans 12:1-2, Micah 6:8) Do something to help, volunteer, Try acts of kindness (not random), What about missions next year? Don’t follow the script, Church Make a plan – evangelism, celebration, meal, Discipleship – you and who?
DO IT NOW: Now is the time for change. How will you read the Bible differently? How will you change how you pray? What are you going to do to change your mindset? What actions will you take or can you plan for?
Do you really know the Bible? What should you be reading and how will you examine it better? Has your prayer become stale? How can you change it? Can you change your mindset to be more positive, more Christ-like? What can you do? What actions are you going to take? What will you try? Who do you know that seems to be living with joy? Why? What difference does it make that you are part of this church? Why are you not a missionary? What are you living for? Can people really tell that you’re a Christian? What is distinctive? Do you really know the Bible? What should you be reading and how will you examine it better? Has your prayer become stale? How can you change it? Can you change your mindset to be more positive, more Christ-like? What can you do? What actions are you going to take? What will you try? Who do you know that seems to be living with joy? Why? What difference does it make that you are part of this church? Why are you not a missionary? What are you living for? Can people really tell that you’re a Christian? What is distinctive?