FIRE OF GOD First meeting By: Laís and friends
Pray time! Let’s talk to God! He is here! Pray for: Thank him for today and this first meeting. Ask for his help and direction. Pray for everybody’s lives.
Sing time! Open the eyes of my heart Lord Open the eyes of my heart I want to see you I want to see you To see You high and lifted up Shining in the light of Your glory Pour out Your power and love As we sing holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy, I want to see you
Ice breaker! Mime! You’ve got 1 minute to guess what animal is this!
Life with God
WHAT IS A LIFE WITH GOD? The Bible talks about certain people who “ walked with God ”, were “ friends of God ”, and even those who followed Christ were called “ Children of God ”! There are so many examples in the Bible where God has fulfilling and supernatural relationships with regular folks like you and I. But does that really mean that God would like to have a relationship with you? The answer is YES ! Stop and think for a moment of the happiest time in your life. What about it made you so happy? Most if not all of us will likely remember a time when we were around people that we LOVE. Can You imagine that time again, but this time, all by yourself? Not very happy is it? God made us to be ‘relational beings’, just like Himself. We believe God wired us this way. He uses these fulfilling times of being loved to ultimately point to Himself and His great love. The God of the Universe gave you a small taste this love because He wants to you to know that His love is better and even more fulfilling! He wants You to have that love for all eternity. God is actually the best relationship we can ever have! The Bible teaches us that because of our sin, everyone has a broken relationship with God. If we think about it, much of the sin and evil in this world is the main cause for all the broken and dysfunctional relationships out there. Everyone needs relationships restored – but most importantly, everyone needs their relationship with God restored.
Announcements Tomorrow, 28 th may, there is REDE DE JOVENS ! In front of ‘terminal planalto’ Don’t miss it out! The site: is already ON. CHECK IT OUT! Follow me on SPREAD THE WORD!
PRAY TIME Pray for: Everybody who is out there and need to be reached by the gospel. His annointance upon our lives. Thank him for today and ask for his blessing next week.