Bililign T. Dullo Swinburne University of Technology (Alister W. Graham) Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing NGC 4291 NGC 1426
Core-Sérsic Giant galaxies with M B ≤ mag (core-Sérsic, cS) Intermediate mass galaxies with M B ≥ mag (Sérsic) - depleted cores are signatures left by coalescing SMBH binaries (e.g., Begelman et al. 1980; Ebisuzaki et al. 1991; Merritt 2006) Two families of Early-type galaxies: Core-Sérsic vs. Sérsic dichotomy light deficit light excess 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 2
Two families of Early-type galaxies: Core-Sérsic vs. Sérsic dichotomy Giant galaxies (core-Sérsic) Intermediate mass galaxies (Sérsic) - luminous (M B < mag) - stellar light deficits created by decaying SMBH binary (e.g., Begelman et al. 1980) - slow (or no) rotation - tend to show boxy isophotes - dynamics supported by anisotropy in velocity dispersion - less luminous (M B > mag) - light excess (starburst) - fast rotators - have disky isophotes - isotropic and rotationally supported Why are these two systems so different? 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 3 (Cappellari’s talk)
Two families of Early-type galaxies: Core-Sérsic vs Sérsic dichotomy 4 Giant galaxies (core-Sérsic) Intermediate mass galaxies (Sérsic) - luminous (M B < mag) - stellar light deficits created by decaying SMBH binary (e.g., Begelman et al. 1980) - slow (or no) rotation - tend to show boxy isophotes - dynamics supported by anisotropy in velocity dispersion - less luminous (M B > mag) - light excess (starburst) - fast rotators - have disky isophotes - isotropic and rotationally supported - last mergers were ‘dry’ - last mergers were gas-rich 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 4
Evolution of SMBH Binaries Post major (‘dry’) merger scenario Phase I: Dynamical friction (binary separation decays) Phase II: Three-body interaction (Ejects stars) Depleted mass ∝ mass of the binary (e.g., Ebisuzaki et al. 1991; Merritt 2006) Phase III: Anisotropic gravitational radiation (Coalescence ensues, and SMBH recoils) 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 5
Core-Sérsic model fits to luminous early-type galaxies Es S0s - HST (WFPC2/ACS) data - 31 core-Sérsic galaxies (26 Es + 5 S0s) - median Δ for the 31 cS galaxies ≈ mag arcsec -2
Central stellar mass deficits (M def ) of luminous galaxies - L def converted into M def using stellar M/L ratios obtained from the color-age-metallicity-(M/L) diagram by Graham & Spitler (2009) L def L def – the difference in luminosity between the Sérsic model and the core-Sérsic model NGC /11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 7
M def /M BH ≃ 0.5 – 1 per major merger ( N-body simulations by Merritt 2006, Phase II ) M def –M BH relation and galaxy merger history - core formation is a cumulative process M def ~ (0.5 – 4) M BH (e.g., Graham 2004; Ferrarese+2006) a few (1 to 8) major mergers - consistent with observations (0.5 – 2 mergers since z~1, e.g., Bell+2006; Bluck+2012, Conselice’s talk) and theories ( Haehnelt & Kauffmann 2002 ) - predicted black hole masses (M BH ) obtained using the Graham & Scott (2013) non-barred M-σ relation - two dynamically determined BH masses for NGC 1399 (Houghton+2006; Gebhardt+2007) 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 8 - M def /M BH ≥ 4 may be due to recoiled SMBHs, Phase II +III
Core-Sérsic bulge + exponential disk fits to 4 luminous S0s ( Dullo & Graham 2013) M def ~ (0.5 – 2) M BH, for S0s
Formation origin for luminous S0s Core-Sérsic lenticular galaxies have undergone violent major merger/s Main question: how do these galaxies have disks? 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 10
Ram pressure stripping (Gunn & Gott 1972) - hot intra-cluster medium removes gas from moving galaxy Harassment (Moore et al. 1996) - frequent, close high-velocity encounters - interaction with the cluster potential Strangulation (Larson 1980) - gas supply is cut off, cold gas exhausted through star formation Formation mechanism(s) for S0s with depleted cores / Environment - NGC 507, NGC 2300 and NGC 5813 reside in galaxy groups - NGC 6849 is an isolated galaxy - NGC 4382 is a member of the Virgo cluster, situated at the outskirt Popular mechanisms Environment 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 11
Ram-pressure stripping ✗ Harassment ✗ Strangulation ✗ Major dry merger + (subsequent cold gas accretion) ✔ Two stage galaxy assembly: early violent `dry’ merger (bulge) followed by late accretion of gas and stars (disk) (e.g., Steinmetz & Navarro 2002; Birnboim & Dekel 2003; Arnold et al. 2011) Formation mechanism(s) for S0s with depleted cores / Environment (Dullo & Graham 2013) 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 12
Compact high redshift (z~2) galaxies vs. local disk bulges Bulges of our core-Sersic S0s are - red - compact R e ≤ 2 kpc - massive, M * ~10 11 M 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 13
Compact, quiescent and dense galaxies at z ~2 ( Daddi+2005; Trujillo+2006 ) - R e < 2 kpc and stellar mass M * ~10 11 M - a factor of 2 to 5 smaller than today’s ellipticals of comparable stellar mass Compact high redshift (z~2) galaxies vs. local disk bulges Compact galaxy at z =1.6 (van der Wel+ 2011) Virgo elliptical galaxy M87 - minor mergers - major mergers - adiabatic expansion - minor mergers - major mergers - adiabatic expansion ? There aren’t enough satellite galaxies around (Trujillo 2013) ? 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 14
Graham ( ) Compact high redshift galaxies vs. local disk bulges Compact high redshift galaxies from Damjanov et al. (2009) 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 15
From compact high redshift galaxies to bulges of today’s S0s Bulges of local massive S0s may be modern day counterparts to compact high-z galaxies T wo stage galaxy assembly: early violent `dry’ merger (bulge, i.e., compact high-z galaxy) followed by late accretion of gas and stars (disk) (Dullo & Graham 2013, high-z galaxies were taken from Damjanov et al. 2011) 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 16
Conclusions We measure central stellar mass deficits (M def ) in core- Sérsic galaxies which are 0.5 – 4 M BH. The M def – M BH correlation is a physical signature connecting SMBHs to their host galaxies. The depleted cores/stellar mass deficits (0.5 – 2 M BH ) in core-Sérsic lenticular galaxies suggest a two-step inside-out scenario for their assembly. Today’s massive bulges may be local analogs to compact high redshift early-type galaxies. 19/11/2013 Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 17
Thank you
CORE-SERSIC LENTICULAR GALAXIES NGC 2300 NGC 4382 NGC 507, NGC 2300, NGC 3607, NGC 3706, NGC 4382 and NGC taken from the (public) Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) Core-Sersic galaxies are believed to have undergone major mergers It is assumed that major mergers destroy disks - Bias subtraction - Geometric distortion correction - Dark current subtraction - flat fielding - Sky subtraction 19/11/2013 STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY IN THE ERA OF LARGE SURVEYS, SANTIAGO, CHILE 19
StudyModelM def /M BH Faber et al. (1997)Nuker~ Milosavljevic & Merritt (2001))Nuker~ Ravindranath, Ho, & Filippenko (2002)Nuker~ Graham (2004)Core-Sersic~ Ferrarese et al. (2006)Core-Sersic~ Lauer et al. (2007)NukerUp to 19 Hyde et al. (2008)Core-Sersic~ 2 Kormendy et al. (2009)Sersic~ Dullo & Graham (2012)Core-Sersic~ Dullo & Graham (2012) (submitted)Core-Seisic~ Literature results
Core-Sersic Core detection HST/WFPC2 images NGC 4291NGC 1426 a) b) 19/11/2013 STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY IN THE ERA OF LARGE SURVEYS, SANTIAGO, CHILE 21
ENVIRONMENT Morphology-Density Relation (Dressler 1980) S S0 E Isolated | Groups | Cluster 19/11/2013 STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY IN THE ERA OF LARGE SURVEYS, SANTIAGO, CHILE 22
Galaxy merger (Toomre & Toomre 1972) NGC 507, NGC 2300 and NGC 3607 reside in X-ray bright galaxy groups NGC 6849 is an isolated galaxy - isolated early-type galaxies have merger related origin (Reda et al and Arnold et al. 2011, NGC 3115) Environment 19/11/2013 STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY IN THE ERA OF LARGE SURVEYS, SANTIAGO, CHILE 23
Core-Serisc model Sersic model 19/11/2013Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 25
(Komossa et al ) 19/11/
- majority of compact high redshift galaxies have small undeveloped disks (van der Wel et al. 2011)
Alternative core formation mechanisms Disipationless collapses in preexisting dark matter haloes (Nipoti et al. 2006) Sinking massive objects, 3kpc (Goerdt et al. 2010) AGN feedback + inspiraling massive black holes, kpc ( Martizzi et al. 2012) 19/11/2013Structure and Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Santiago, Chile 28