MAIN TECHNOLOGIES USED FOR THE “ ECOLOGICAL HOUSE " This is a list of the most important technologies that we can use in our houses to increase building energy efficiency and save on bill of electricity, gas and water:
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANTS Thanks to solar energy usable with the technology of photovoltaic panels, not only we help the environment and reset the cost of the electricity bill, but also we earn thanks to government incentives provided by the "Conto Energia" and consumption or sale of energy produced.
RADIANT SYSTEMS WITH HEAT PUMP AIR/WATER In buildings equipped with radiant heating system (by floor, wall or ceiling), you can install an electric heat pump, which plays in the most economical way the role of the traditional fuel boiler: it extracts heat energy from the outside air, ensuring an adequate heating in the house even during the coldest winter days. The same machine is also capable to cooling the room in the summer period, replacing traditional conditioners like refrigerator.
COMBINED SYSTEMS: HEAT PUMP + PHOTOVOLTAIC It’s possible to combine the radiant system of the heat pump air/water with the photovoltaic system. In fact, the heat pump, being a system powered up, goes well with solar photovoltaic plants, making the house self from the point of view of electricity and fuel.
SOLAR THERMAL PANELS The solar thermal panels are the collectors of the energy of the Sun that allow you to use hot water for sanitary purposes and for the integration of building heating in the presence of low temperature heating systems (floor heating, wall heating, etc..).
THERMAL FIREPLACE PLANTS THERMAL FIREPLACE PLANTS The "thermal fireplace" is a system for heating domestic environment (radiators or floor heating) and domestic hot water alternatively or simply accompanied by the traditional plants - Diesel, LPG, CNG - or by solar thermal, with the advantage of cost savings and environmental protection.
UNDERFLOOR HEATING PLANTS The modern "underfloor heating" warms up with a lower consumption of energy, ensuring energy and cost savings. It is ideal in combination with technologies such as heat pumps, solar thermal panels, thermal fireplace or wood pellet boiler, etc..
COMBINED SYSTEMS: SOLAR THERMAL + THERMAL FIREPLACE The solar thermal system is well suited to be combined with the thermal fireplace to have complete autonomy from the gas (or other fossil fuels) for heating of domestic environment and hot water.
PLANTS FOR THE RECYCLING OF GREY WATER The modern integrated systems for the recovery and reuse of grey waters can cut drastically the bill of the water by using for example rainwater and the water of the shower to irrigate and for the drainages of WC waters.