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Topics Covered Author Credentials Abstract Introduction/ Literature Review Materials & Methods Results Discussion References
Credentials of the Authors Helps establish the authoritativeness of the researcher(s). Abstract A concise summary and description of the project. Abstracts do vary from discipline to discipline. For scientists and engineers, abstracts often emphasize methods rather than objectives of the study. Introduction Establishes context, often by discussing the relevant primary research literature (with citations) and summarizes the current understanding of the problem. Materials and Methods Explains how the study was carried out. May include controls, treatments, what variable(s) were measured, protocols for collecting data and how the data were analyzed.
Materials and Methods (continued) Results Objectively presents the key results without interpretation, in an orderly and logical sequence. Here is where you often see tables and figures. Discussion Interprets the results. The Discussion will always connect to the Introduction by explaining how the study has moved us forward from the place described in the Introduction. References Indicates resources the authors consulted to determine their research problem and to inform their study. In a scientific article only articles actually cited in the body of the paper are included in this section. Also serves as a list for finding additional articles on the same topic.