Technology AT UNH
Increases student interaction
Benefits to Clicker Use Instant feedback Encourage discussion Anonymity Proven to improve retention
Proven to enhance student retention “…participants in the clicker group had the highest classroom participation.... Participants in the clicker group also reported greater positive emotion during the lecture and were more likely to respond honestly to in-class review questions.” (Stowell & Nelson, 2007)
Proven to enhance student retention “Students demonstrated more mastery of content on weekly quizzes and reported increased class engagement on those weeks where the SRS was used. …They reported high preference for the SRS use, believed it helped them in their learning, and recommended that other classes use a similar system.” (Blood & Neel, 2008)
i>Clicker Software No installation Mac and PC compatible Completely portable
Easy-to-Use Interface
Hardware Base Stations Instructor Remotes Student Clickers (i>Clicker2)
Hardware Student Clickers One-time purchase Simple registration Answering A-E multiple choice, numeric, alphanumeric, and demographic questions
How do I use clickers well? Explain to students why you are using clickers, and use them often Use a combination of simple and complicated questions Encourage students to talk about their answers Discuss wrong answers, and why they are wrong