Calendar-Based Spending & Saving Plans Florida Saves 2020 “See Your Future Clearly” Anita McKinney, Duval County Extension Educator 1010 N McDuff Ave Jacksonville, FL
Good Financial Health Manage Risk Save Manage Cash & Credit Needs & Wants Know Resources Economic Environment
What you will learn today: Importance of managing money –Reach goals –Helps build wealth, manage risk –Relieve stress Cash Management –Build a spending plan –Track expenses –Follow your plan Spending –Gaps, leaks and habits
Why plan your spending and saving? Helps to see if you have extra cash or not enough each month Helps reduce stress Helps you see if money comes in and goes out at the right times Helps you prepare for occasional or seasonal expenses
The Planning Cycle SetGoals Gather Information Write a Plan Work the Plan Change the Plan
Financial Planning Steps 1.Write SMART goals 2.Identify income amount for the month 3.Find all bills and due dates 4.Track expenses for a month 5.Write plan in money calendar 6.Stay on track with the UF Money Management Calendar 7.Plan time to review and make changes for next month
Set SMART Goals It’s a big world out there and it’s hard to get to where you are going without a roadmap. The shortest distance between two points… depends on where that second point is…
SMART Goals Goal$ Amount Start Saving Buy Date No. Months $ per Month TV$6006/1/1111/1/116$100 Rainy day fund Write your goals in the piggy bank of the UF Money Management Calendar
It’s YOUR choice! Spend and enjoy today Save and enjoy tomorrow Don’t forget to have enough set aside for an emergency! –1 to 3 months of major expenses –Do it automatically from paycheck to an account of your choice –Take Fresh Start and open an account
Identify Your Income Show Me The Money! –Salary or wages, cash assistance, benefits –Assets you can sell if money is needed for debts or emergencies What if you don’t know how much it will be? –Plan with what you know! –If it varies, use the average or lowest amount Write monthly income on page 9
Track Your Current Behavior List monthly bills and amounts Keep track of your expenses for one month to see where your money goes
Track Your Current Behavior Spending Diary –Keep a folded sheet of paper with you Keep all receipts Decide the category of each expense Write amounts in the UF Money Management Calendar tables each day Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed. Thurs.Fri.Sat.Shopping list
Get Organized With Your Expenses Fixed Flexible Occasional Write it down – better than just thinking it. Get in the habit!
Write the Plan on Page 9 Fixed expenses –Rent or mortgage –Utilities –Debt payments Flexible expenses –Food –Personal care –Clothes Add the amount you intend to save for your goals and rainy day fund Identify yearly totals of occasional expenses –Divide by 12 to get the monthly amount to save each month
Organize Your Calendar Write fixed expenses Add utility due dates Add paydays Add other flexible expenses, if dated Amounts and “pay dates” SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12 Rent $ Pay Utilities 6 Paid! $750 7 Groceries 89 Utilities Due 1011 Cable Due 12 Pay Phone 1314 Groceries 1516 Phone Due 1718 Pay Car 19 Car Due 20 Paid! $ Groceries 22 Ballgame haircut 28 Groceries
Use the Monthly Calendars Bills –Place bills in the calendar booklet for safekeeping –Depending on method of payment, plan to pay bill at least 2-3 days in advance –More time may be needed if bill is due on a weekend or Monday Match up –Timing of income –Timing of expenses Do you have a cash flow problem? –Ask to change due dates –Save money from previous income
Stick With Your Plan Spending Diary –Keep a folded sheet of paper with you Keep all receipts Write amounts in the UF Money Management Calendar tables each day Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed. Thurs.Fri.Sat.Shopping list
Review and Revise Add up amounts in flexible expense columns –Did you go over? –Did you spend less that you budgeted? Add up fixed expenses Add fixed and flexible amounts together Subtract total expenses from income Did you stay within your plan? Did you save the amount you need for occasional expenses?
Increase Income/Resources Second job Ask for a raise Find a better job Family member gets a job Learn to “do it yourself” Barter or trade services
Increase Income Get new licenses/degrees/certifications –This may require spending money to make money Personal exemption withholding from paychecks Tax deductions –Child Tax Credit –Earned Income Credit –Dependent Care Credit Get taxes prepared free, amend previous tax returns
Decrease Expenses Reduce or eliminate spending on “wants” Modify or reduce flexible expenses –Carpool –Limit eating out –Grocery shopping –Electric and water Can you change fixed expenses?
Check for Spending Leaks compare pricesDo you compare prices? use couponsDo you use coupons? Use advertising to your advantage? think ahead about your needsDo you think ahead about your needs? take care of what you ownDo you take care of what you own and get full life from purchases?
How much should we spend? Food13-15% Housing32-42% Child Care15-25% Clothing % Personal2-5% Transportation17-18% Medical6-7% Education/ Recreation 0-10% Gifts/ Contributions 0-10% Misc./ Emergency 2-10% Savings0-10% Insurance0-11% On average, Americans spend the following percentages of their income in each category:
Percentages Divide amount you spend by the amount you take home –$450 (rent) divided by $1200 (income) equals.375 Multiply answer by 100 to find per cent –.375 multiplied by 100 = 37.5% Is this per cent in the range for Housing?
How Little Expenses Add Up Example Coke 1/day Vending Machine Bought at Store $1.00/day $.42/day $260/yr $105/yr Save $155/yr.
Long-term Cost of My Habit? Invested Investment Yield Years $ % 5 years Total Invested = $ Total Value = $ Total Earned in 5 years = $ In 30 years, you will have $7,262.00
Long-term Cost of Snacks $2.00 per day or $60.00 month –(Invest $60 month at 7% for 30 years) –How much are those daily snacks costing you? $157,489
Change Your Plan Set a Monthly Money Date! If you have left-over money, pay on debts, save for next month or future If you spent too much, what will you cut back on next month? Accuracy ensures results
Totals for the Year Enter total monthly amounts for fixed and flexible categories on pages 34 and 35 Were you over or under your budgeted amounts? Calculate your average monthly amounts for the year and use for next year’s plan Enter tax deductible expenses on the back cover Call for a new calendar
Have No Fear…Help is Here to Make Your Future Clear! Florida Master Money Mentors is the team to trust with planning your financial future! FloridaSaves2020 “See Your Future Clearly”
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