Slavery in Ancient Egypt by Robert Glomb A.Harvest B.Music C.Winnowing (scooping grain w/wooden trays) D.Taxes E.Cattle
Slavery in Ancient Egypt Slaves were often sold at a marketplace. Slaves could be children. Age did not matter. Slaves could be traded for things other than money. Slaves were brought to Egypt from other lands. Slaves were often given Egyptian names. Slaves were vital to the growth of the Egyptian empire.
Social Pyramid in Ancient Egypt Where did slaves find their place within the social pyramid of ancient Egypt? The pharaoh?
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued Some people became slaves as punishment for a crime or for going into debt. How does this differ from what you’ve learned about the practice of slavery in the past? What does the word “debt” mean?
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued With the practice of slavery sometimes comes forced labor. While many people believe that the pyramids were built by slaves, many historians disagree. It was most likely free men (farmers) who couldn’t farm during the annual flooding of the Nile. A.Raising stone blocks B.Supervisors C.Shaping the stone D.Accidents happen
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued Egyptians believed in life after death and the good or bad that a person did while alive, translates over to the afterlife. In other words, most Egyptians did not abuse slaves for fear of their own “life in eternity.”
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued Could a slave become free? Absolutely! An Egyptian slave could marry into a free family or buy their freedom. Some slaves held high- esteemed positions such as scribe or engineer. A.Pottery B.Gold C.Sandals D.Wood carving
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued Summing it up… -There were slaves in ancient Egypt. -You could become a slave for a crime committed or a debt owed. -A slave could earn/buy their freedom. -Slaves most likely did not build the pyramids.
Slavery in Ancient Egypt…continued Think about it… Would ancient Egypt have succeeded without the practice of slavery? Do you think that the institution of slavery is ever justified? Why or why not?