Paint A Picasso This is a step by step guide to painting your own abstract portrait in the style of Pablo Picasso.
Paint A Picasso Supplies Set out all the supplies you will need for this project.
Paint A Picasso Get Ready Tape your paper down with removable painters tape. This will leave a nice white border when you are finished. Keep your borders consistent on all 4 sides.
Paint A Picasso Get Set Put the black acrylic paint in the paint pallet (water can be added if the paint is too thick). Lay out the Picasso famous painting sheet to refer to during this project. Use a medium size paint brush, make sure it is not too small to paint the lines.
Paint A Picasso Step 1 First paint a large letter ‘U’ in the middle of your page. (Leave the same amount of space on each side, and the same amount of space on the top and bottom).
Paint A Picasso Step 2 Add a small upside down u for the chin, then paint the lips (you can make her look happy or sad).
Paint A Picasso Step 3 Paint 2 small dots for the nostrils, and a small v underneath. Then paint 2 lines going up that flare away from each other at the top.
Paint A Picasso Step 4 Make 2 black circles for pupils, then add a curved line above and below the circles for the eyes.
Paint A Picasso Step 5 Paint the eyelashes and the eyebrows.
Paint A Picasso Step 6 Add 2 curved lines for the ears, and 2 straight lines down for the neck.
Paint A Picasso Step 7 Paint a large ‘bowl’ shaped curved line for the bottom of the hat, and a smaller similar curved line above it.
Paint A Picasso Step 8 Complete the hat by adding the top curve line, and the 2 short lines on the sides.
Paint A Picasso Step 9 Add a curved line at the base of the neck for a collar, and 2 slanted lines going off the page for shoulders.
Paint A Picasso Step 10 Paint lines coming down from the hat all the way to the shoulder to make the hair on the left side.
Paint A Picasso Step 11 Add hair lines on right side and add a design on the shirt (lines, dots, flowers, etc.)
Paint A Picasso Step 12 You have finished with the LINE part of your drawing! Let it dry completely before adding the color. Speed up drying time with a fan or blow dryer.
Paint A Picasso Step 13 Get out your watercolor set and paint the left side of the girl. Choose crazy colors that you normally wouldn’t paint a person.
Paint A Picasso Step 14 Now paint the right side using different colors than the left. When it dries, remove the tape.
Paint A Picasso LOOK AT YOUR MASTERPIECE! You just painted your own abstract portrait in the style of Picasso. You may want to matt or frame your work.
This has been a presentation of the Online Art Class All rights reserved 2007