Veterans Affairs Canada A Client Centred Service Approach 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Veterans Affairs Canada A Client Centred Service Approach 2003

Service Improvement Initiative Global Objectives Achieve a minimum 10% increase in client satisfaction on specific service elements by 2005; Develop a multi-year Service Improvement Plan based on survey results and service priorities defined by clients; Strengthen accountability for service improvement results; and Instill a culture of continuous service improvement.

VAC’s Approach to Continuous Service Improvement Conducted a National Client Satisfaction Survey in June 2001 Examined 23 service elements on Access to Service, Communications, and Services Offered by Staff Using Survey Results, identified Primary and Secondary Opportunities for Service Improvement Developed and Implemented a Departmental Service Improvement Plan (200+ Initiatives) Conducted a follow-up Survey in May 2003 Continue to monitor progress and modify the Service Improvement Plan as required.

VAC National Client Satisfaction Survey 2003 Measured client satisfaction on the same service elements as the 2001 survey –2003 Survey also contained extra questions on BPA Services, Commemoration, and GOL Clients having contact with VAC 6 months prior to the survey –559 Veterans from WWI, WWII & the Korean War –401 Survivors –487 Canadian Forces Members Conducted between April and May ,447 telephone interviews (4% completed by proxy) Clients disbursed geographically across five regions

Overall Level of Satisfaction 2001 Survey2003 Survey Total Clients War Veterans Survivors Canadian Forces Veterans/Clients Margin of Error is +/- 2.8 percentage points, 95% of the time. Margin of Error is +/- 2.6 percentage points, 95% of the time. 2% ↑ 1% ↑ 2% ↑ 8% ↑ Due to rounding of figures, some results do not yield a total of 100%.

Overall Level of Satisfaction Regional Perspective 2001 Survey2003 Survey VAC Pacific Prairie Ontario Quebec Atlantic 2% ↑ 1% ↓ 2%↑ 9%↑ 3%↓ 6%↑ * The margin of error increases when groups of clients are separated from the total sample (i.e. for the regional perspective, the margin of error increases to +/- 5.8%, 95% of the time).

23 Service Drivers by Category Level of Satisfaction 2003

Highest Satisfaction Ratings (87%>) Official language of choice (97%) (97%) = Courtesy of staff (96%) (96%) = Respect and dignity given to clients (95%) (95%) = Clarity of verbal communication (95%) (96%) 1%↑ Protection of privacy/confidentiality (94%) (95%) 1%↑ of information Hours of service (93%) (90%) 3%↓ Ease of access to buildings (92%) (89%) 3%↓ Clarity of written communications (92%) (89%) 3%↓ Variance

Highest Satisfaction Ratings (87%>) Location (91%) (89%) 2%↓ Methods of contact available (90%) (89%) 1%↓ Helpfulness & willingness to (90%) (91%) 1%↑ go the extra mile Fair and equitable treatment (89%) (90%) 1%↑ Staff knowledge on programs (83%) (89%) 6%↑ and services Sensitivity of staff to issues (86%) (87%) 1%↑ facing Canadian Forces Members Variance

Lowest Satisfaction Ratings (< 87%) Waiting time to receive a written decision (70%) (70%) = Waiting time on the telephone (79%) (81%)2%↑ Parking (79%) (70%)9%↓ Ease in finding information (78%) (80%)2%↑ on programs and services Information on applying for/ or accessing (82%) (84%)2%↑ a benefit or service Time to wait for an appointment (85%) (83%)2%↓ Ease of access by telephone (89%) (84%)5%↓ Questions being answered (85%) (86%)1%↑ Signs and directions to office locations (87%) (86%)1%↓ Variance

Level of Satisfaction Access to Services (Total Respondents) * Level of importance/priority ascribed by Respondents to the service element

Level of Satisfaction Communications (Total Respondents) * Level of importance/priority ascribed by Respondents to the service element

(Total Respondents) Level of Satisfaction Service Offered by Staff * Level of importance/priority ascribed by Respondents to the service element

Examples of Service Improvement Service Element Level of Satisfaction ImprovementPrairie Ease in finding information on programs and services 64 % 72 % 8 %↑ 1 %↑ Information on applying for/ or accessing a benefit or service 56 % 71 % 15 %↑ 7 %↑ Canadian Forces Veterans/Clients Action taken to achieve results: Integrated Service Delivery Framework - Strong VAC presence at 17 CF locations across the country - Interdisciplinary Client Service Teams. Seniors Canada On-line. “Salute” - Quarterly Newsletter reaching more than 200,000 clients.

Examples of Service Improvement Prairie Region Level of Satisfaction Improvement Total Respondents 80 % 90 % 10 %↑ Canadian Forces Veterans/Clients 74 % 88 % 14 %↑ Staff Knowledge of Programs and Services Action taken to achieve results: National Training Programs and structured Orientation for new staff, and as well as for employees changing positions. Specialized training offered in the following areas: -Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; -Dementia Care; -Vocational Rehabilitation; and -Crisis Management.

Examples of Service Improvement Prairie Region Level of Satisfaction Improvement 70 % 76 % 6 %↑ Commemoration Program and Activities Action taken to achieve results: Established a Prairie Advisory Council with members from Veterans’ Organizations. Strengthened relationships with stakeholders groups through Liaison Committees. All employees involved in commemorative activities during the year. Established Interdepartmental Committees to better coordinate federal, provincial, and municipal services.

Overall, to what extent do VAC programs and services meet your needs? Total Respondents Canadian Forces Veterans/Clients Entirely 39%38%22%25% For the most part 33%39%37%44% Only in part 19%16%27%19% Not at all 5% 4% 6% Can’t say 4% 3% 8% 6% (72) (59)(77)(69)

Overall, would you say that over the last 12 months the quality of service provided by Veterans Affairs has : Total Respondents Canadian Forces Veterans/Clients Improved 22%28%21%26% Stayed the Same 55%50%54%48% Deteriorated 5% 4% 9% 5% Can’t Say 18% 16%20%

Primary Service Improvement Opportunities 1.Waiting time for a written response√√ 2.Ease in finding information on programs and services√ 3.Information on applying for/ or assessing a √√ benefit or service 4.Staff knowledge of programs and services √ 5.Questions being answered√√ 6.Staff sensitivity to issues facing Members√√ of the Canadian Forces 7.Waiting time for an appointment √√ Service Elements

Secondary Service Improvement Opportunities Service Elements Fair and equitable treatment √ √ 2.Helpfulness and willingness to go √ √ the extra mile 3.Clear written communication (letters, √ √ forms, etc.) 4.Respect and dignity given √ 5.Staff knowledge of programs and services √

VAC’s Philosophy Service Improvement is Everyone’s Responsibility! Service Improvement is Everyone’s Responsibility! Deputy Minister Management Accountability Framework Departmental Managers Performance Contracts Departmental Employees Performance Appraisals Clear Accountability is a critical component to continuous service improvement. Through

VAC’s Quality of Service 49% of respondents rate VAC’s service superior to other government departments; 3% say service is inferior. 55% of respondents rate VAC’s service superior to other government departments; 3% say service is inferior.

Next Steps 1. Continue to evaluate the 2003 Survey Results relative to where we are now and where we want to be in 2005; 2.Reaffirm and/or adjust the focus of VAC’s Service Improvement activities; 3.Revise VAC’s published Service Standards; 4. Monitor and report performance relative to Service Improvement activities – linking Performance to Performance Contracts; 5.Communicate progress to Parliament via Report on Plans and Priorities and the Departmental Performance Report; and 6.Continue to make Service Improvement a priority within Veterans Affairs Canada.

For Further Information Contact: Ron Labbé Regional Director, Client Services Regional Client Services Prairie Regional Office, Winnipeg phone: (204) fax: (204)