IT STARTS HERE Mission To enable a mission ready Force by addressing the issues faced by CF members and their families that result from military service. Vision Strong, resilient families who enable a mission-ready Force and who enjoy a quality of life comparable to other Canadian families
ACCESS POINTS Military Family Resource Centres 33 in Canada, - services in the United States and Europe Third party, non-profit organizations located on Bases/Wings or through outreach programs Family Information Line Informed, Connected and Supported Available 24/7 at Bilingual, information and supportive counselling For and about Canadian military families A portal to all MFRCs for local information Useful general information of interest to all Canadian military families
MILITARY FAMILY SERVICES BY THE NUMBERS 45,105 the number of military families in the Canadian Forces Regular Force 12, 247 full time reserve 83% the proportion of families of Regular Force members living in civilian communities, as opposed to on a military base 8% the proportion of families of Regular Force members who are living with one or more children with special needs 82% the proportion of military spouses who are very supportive of their partner’s career in the Regular Force 76% the proportion of spouses who have relocated at least once due to their spouses’ military posting 70% the proportion of spouses who have experienced the deployment of their military partner at least once 17% the proportion of spouses who have experienced the deployment of their spouse more than five times 51.8% the proportion of military spouses who reportedly felt that they had made career sacrifices, and a smaller proportion reported they were underemployed (9.5%), unemployed or that their career had been severely affected by their partner’s military service (8.8%) Over 37,000 hours of emergency, respite and casualty child care support were provided to over 2000 families in 2011/2012
FINANCING PRIORITIES Almost 40% of all MFS public funding is spent on overhead. Industry standard is 5-15% (excluding fundraising). Potential to reduce overhead if current funding and reporting requirements through e- Business Centre are reduced. Potential MFSP category misalignment across expenditures, services delivered, and military family usage. % programming expenditures % activities and workshops delivered % of all military families using services PDCI38%56%2.2% CYDPS28%22%0.9% FSR17%19%4.6% PSI17%3%1.4%
GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – A formal contract between DND and the MFRC to ensure compliance with the Financial Accountability Act Supplemental Agreement (SA for Base/Wing, FLO, CANSOFCOM) – Provides accountability framework, outlines mutual commitment and provides verification of services or expenditures as required How can these documents be leveraged to better support the MFRC? How can these documents be streamlined? Is there flexibility in these documents?
MILITARY FAMILY POPULATION SERVED Human Resources Management Financial Management Information Management Associate, Chief of Staff Associate, Chief of Staff Commercial Services Casualty Support Management Personnel Support Programs Canadian Forces Moral and Welfare Services United States MFRC Command team Stakeholders CDLS Washington NORAD Colorado Springs Europe MFRCMFRC Command team Stakeholders SHAPE International School AFNORTH International School School extension services Provinces Associations Community Services MFRC Royal Ottawa Hospital Vanier Institute MFRC Royal Ottawa Hospital Vanier Institute Canada
MILITARY FAMILY SERVICES Drivers Unlimited liability Relocations Absences (Deployment, training) Local Service Model Franchise Not-for-profit Bilingual Multi-funded Responsive, agile Community Needs Assessment