RUSD NUTRITION SERVICES Come Let Us Show You Wow! Presentation by Riverside Unified School District Nutrition Services Rodney K. Taylor, Director
RUSD PROFILE Riverside Unified School District is California’s 15 th largest school district Enrollment of 43,000 students 47 school sites – 31 Elementary, 7 Middle, 7 High Schools, 1 Continuation, 1 Adult Average Daily Participation (ADP) – 34,000 meals served 66.5% of students eligible for free/reduced price meals, coming from at-risk families, a total of 27,922 students
SUMMER FOOD PROGRAM OVERVIEW Riverside Unified School District Nutrition Services Department will be providing a Summer Food Service program for children 2-18 years of age in City parks throughout Riverside Purpose To ensure that children continue to receive nutritious meals comparable to those served during the traditional school year and that follow the USDA meal standard for Seamless Summer Feeding Programs. RUSD NUTRITION SERVICES Come Let Us Show You Wow!
RUSD F.E.E.D. PROGRAM FOOD for EVERY child to EAT during SUMMER Hunger Doesn’t Take A Vacation... NEITHER DO WE Last year 2,165 students categorized by the federal government as “homeless” = 5% of our school population. No summer school = no school breakfast or lunch Where and how do these students eat?
RUSD F.E.E.D. PROGRAM FOOD for EVERY child to EAT during SUMMER Free lunches Daily BBQ No meal application necessary Ensure meals for students during summer break when schools are out Additionally, we were able to employ nearly 200 individuals who normally would not work during summer.
OVERVIEW OF SUMMER FEEDING 2008 City of Riverside/ Parks and Recreations at 10 parks served 32,791 meals 2009 RUSD, Nutrition Services in partnership with the City of Riverside RUSD stared the RUSD F.E.E.D.S program Received a USDA grant of $147,000 Add 8 more feeding parks 141,000 meals were served by RUSD City parks served 34,105 meals 2010 RUSD expand the summer feeding to 6 school sites (total of sites) 280,000 were served by RUSD City parks served 54,653 meals
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Cheeseburger Rib-A-Que Hot Dog Hot Link Grilled Chicken Bunny CarrotsCelery SticksBunny CarrotsJicama SticksCelery Sticks Summer Fruit Milk In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC or call or (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Seamless Summer Feeding Program 2011 Weekly Menu Menu Subject to Change 8