Four of our founding fathers were George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. George Washington was the commander in chief of the continental army. John Adams was the second president of the U.S.A.. Benjamin Franklin invented the bifocals. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
TRADESTRADES Three trades of the colonial times were a basketmaker, a carpenter, and a tailor. A basketmaker is someone who weaves strips of wood into fine baskets. A Carpenter is someone who cuts and joins timbers and boards into sturdy wooden homes and shops A tailor is someone who makes clothing.
CLOTHINGCLOTHING During the colonial time, people wore many different articles of clothing. Three of those include shoes, suits, and gowns. Men wore suits made of leather. Women wore fancy gowns made of silk. All people wore different types of shoes.
REGIONS & WHAT MADE THEM UNIQUE The were three regions during the colonial times; the New England region, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. New England was known for whaling, logging, fishing, shipbuilding, and trapping. The Middle Colonies were known for Agriculture, logging, shipping, and cobblers. The Southern Colonies were known for cash crops such as rice, and tobacco. They were also known for being a huge slave import.
FOOD Back in the 1700’s, people ate a variety of different delicacies. Some we even eat ‘til this day! Some of these foods include: Pumpkin Gnocci Peanut Soup Gazpacho
A few other games that they played back then were Nine Pins, and Rolling Hoops. One of the games that they played in the Colonial times is a fun game that we still play to this day; puzzles.
TOOLS Three of the tools in the colonial times were: A Compass is used for tracking what direction your going in. A Hammer can hit nails so they can make things secure. A Chisel which is used for chipping things.
All kids went to school. They needed to know how to read so they could read The Bible. Mostly, They read 18 th century children’s books.
MUSIC One of the main instrument people played in the colonial times was the fife. Another instrument they played, which is very common, was the drums.
WEBLIOGRAPHY "Founding Fathers of the United States." October 7th Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 29 October, "Thirteen Colonies." April 13th Conservapedia. 29 October, colonies." Mr. Naussbaum fun+learning. 5/17/13. Naussbaum Education Network,LLC. 29 October, "Colonial Williamsburg." The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 29 October, Guterba, Linda. "Colonial Life:Life in Colonial America." kidinfo. 29 October, White, David. "Life in the 13 Colonies Compared to life today." Social Studies for Kids October,