GPS Xinwen Fu
By Dr. Xinwen Fu2 Outline Deluo USB GPS Pro+ SiRFstarIII Introduction to gpsd Installation Collect Position Data sirfmon Convert latitude/longitude kismet+gpsmap
By Dr. Xinwen Fu3 Deluo USB GPS Pro+ SiRFstarIII ReceiverUp to 20 simultaneously tracking channels. L1, MHz, C/A code Accuracy < 2.5m (Autonomous) < 2.0m (WAAS) <0.01 m/s (speed) AcquisitionHot Start: 1 sec. (Min.) Warm Start: 35 sec. (Average) Cold Start: 42 sec. (Average) DynamicsAltitude: 18,000m (Max.) Velocity: 500m/sec (Max.) Acceleration: 4G (Max.) SensitivityAcquisition: -142 dBm Tracking: -159 dBm Navigation update rateOnce per second ProtocolNMEA 0183 Ver.3.0 NMEA MessagesGGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG Coordinate Datum WGS-84 Power consumption 45mA (Average) WaterproofYes Baud Rate: 4800bps Operating Temperature-40ºC ~ +80ºC Storage Temperature-20ºC ~ +60ºC Operating Humidity5% ~ 95% Cable Length5ft
By Dr. Xinwen Fu4 gpsd Is a service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes attached to a host computer through serial or USB ports Makes all data on the location/course/velocity of the sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947 of the host computer Responds to queries with a format that is substantially easier to parse than the NMEA 0183 emitted by most GPSes Includes a linkable C service library, a C++ wrapper class, and a Python module that developers of gpsd-aware applications can use to encapsulate all communication with gpsd
By Dr. Xinwen Fu5 gpsd Auxiliary Tools Diagnostic monitoring Profiling of GPSes Feeding GPS-aware applications specified track data for diagnostic purposes
By Dr. Xinwen Fu6 Installation 1.Plug Deluo USB GPS Pro+ SiRFstarIII into the usb port 2.Download the source of version 2.37source 3.Compile it tar zxvf gpsd-2.37.tar.gz cd gpsd-2.37./configure make make install (Note: I cannot compile xgps and a few other tools; needs dbus installed and configured) 4.Start gpsd: the GPS device is nased ttyUSB0 gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 gpsd /dev/ttyS0 5.Test gpsd cgps
By Dr. Xinwen Fu7 Collect Position Data Log the position data into a file cgpxlogger > position-data-file.xml ctrl-c to stop the data collection Load the xml data into excel Open the xml file with excel Ok the default choices
By Dr. Xinwen Fu8 Sample Imported Data in Excel
sirfmon Monitor and control a SiRF GPS in binary mode Start sirfmon via the serial port in the binary mode sirfmon /dev/ttyUSB0 When the GPS is in the binary mode, it outputs all the messages except those poll/response message We can program to send a poll message Under sirfmon, we can use the “s” command to send a poll command. Note: there is no space between a sirfmon command and the payload By Dr. Xinwen Fu9
Sirmon (Continued) The function that decode the binary output messages static void decode_sirf(unsigned char buf[], int len) /* buf has the whole binary data */ Code is changed by Fu to process Messages 7, 28 (0x1C), 30 (0x1E). Search XINWENFU for the changed code Added functions to convert the data to be properly interpreted on a PC static double getdbl(unsigned char *buf, int off) /* this function is for converting double-precision value and may need to be changed if another GPS product is used. Refer to sirf binary protocol manual p. 3-33*/ static float getsgl(unsigned char *buf, int off) /* this function is for converting single-precision value */ Example to send a poll to the device /* probe for version */ putbyte(buf, 0, 0x84); putbyte(buf, 1, 0x0); (void)sendpkt(buf, 2, device); By Dr. Xinwen Fu10
By Dr. Xinwen Fu11 Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step Convert Convert
By Dr. Xinwen Fu12 Wardriving by kismet+gpsmap
By Dr. Xinwen Fu13 Use gpsmap Installation yum install ImageMagick yum install ImageMagick-devel yum update dbus Download, compile, and install kismet Run gpsmap gpsmap –S 3 –t –p –o test.jpg –e Kismet-Oct- Oct gps
By Dr. Xinwen Fu14 References Deluo USB GPS Pro+ SiRFstarIII, 2007 Deluo USB GPS Pro+ SiRFstarIII gpsd, 2007 gpsd Stephen P. Morse, Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step, 2004Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step Mike Shannon, Linux Wireless, 2007Linux Wireless Kismet Installation, 2006 Kismet Installation FC6 Wireless Auditing Laptop: HOWTO, February 07HOWTO Kismet - Google Maps, 2007 Kismet - Google Maps PRODUCING WIRELESS MAPPING WITH KISMET, 2006 PRODUCING WIRELESS MAPPING WITH KISMET Kismet, 2007 Kismet