Introduction UAV is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Our goal is to setup two different plane configurations with Paparazzi autopilot and fly them autonomously Do this in conjunction with two separate Aerospace Engineer teams Create a handbook detailing simple recreation of this project BETTER PIC THAN THIS
The Planes Multiplex Funjet – Elevons only for pitch/roll control – Other difference Multiplex Minimag –Traditional rudder and elevators for pitch/roll control –Other difference
Cable Work Creating proprietary cables – Bootloader cable:USB to 4-pin on Tiny – USB Programming cable:USB to 7-pin on Tiny – GPS Programming cable:I don’t even know – Power cables: As necessary
Sensor Modification Details of resistor changing Justification for resistor changing
GPS Setup and Functionality Description of setup for GPS through U-blox Description of how the GPS makes the UAV fucntion Bit about why the GPS elevation above sea- level cannot be substituted for altitude Screenshot of GPS readings on the planes
Ground Control Station/Modem Description of two different modems used and why (talk of Xbee’s ability to run multiples) GCS is what controls the plane while in autonomous modes Anything else pertinent to GCS/modem
Test Flights Pictures and details of the more important test flights we held and their results
Summary We got them both to fly autonomously? Blah blah I have no idea what to say here
Our Team Kevin Oberg Dustin Douglas Shuohan Wan
Acknowledgements Special thanks to: – Lockheed Martin employees Reid Plumbo and Todd Colton – AEM Professor Hammer – AEM project teams