Enables communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Hunger & Thirst Body Temp, Blood Pressure Sex Drives Pituitary Gland (growth and sexual hormones) Circadian Rhythms
Highly processed information from cortex areas enters hippocampus: Stores information about objects and people. Decides what goes into long- term memory. Integrates info: links new info to existing memories. Allows you to retrieve all the information about an event
A type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.
Controls fear and aggression responses Plays an important role in emotional learning. Plays a role in the flight-or- flight response. Consolidating information into long-term memory
Involved in several functions of the body including: Fine Movement Coordination Balance and Equilibrium Muscle Tone Relays information between body muscles and areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in motor control.
The Pons: Relays information from body to brain. Connects hindbrain to cerebrum. Involved in sleep and dreams The Medulla: Located directly above the spinal cord. Controls many vital autonomic functions such as heart rate, breathing and blood pressure.