International Study and Service Abroad The Epiphany School of Global Studies
Summer Study Abroad through CIEE Many destinations- abroad/programs/ abroad/programs/ Scholarship opportunity – Global Navigator Scholarship through CIEE Scholarship opportunity
CIEE Study abroad- Year Year long programs with the same school calendar we have China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Japan Live with a family and attend a local high school Costs vary abroad/students/ abroad/students/ Questions?- Call Carrie Palleschi
How does it work?? Your CIEE advisor would look at which credits and courses you need Go abroad and take classes When you return, CIEE does translations for grades Most courses should transfer Possibility that you would have to take a few online classes when you return or in the summer
CBYX- Year long scholarship to Germany For students August- June Attend a German school and live with a German host family Participate in orientation and 3 week language camp at beginning of program 50 students from the US DEADLINE is December 19 th US State Department Program Questions? Contact Julia Littlefield at
YES Year long scholarship Study for one year in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Phillipines, South Africa, Thailand, or Turkey Deadline is January 7 th US State Department Program
Study at Prepa UDEM Partner school with Epiphany 4 year relationship of classroom projects One-to-one exchange Pay Epiphany tuition You stay in the home of a student, and that student comes to stay with your family Great school! Very similar to Epiphany Safe, affluent area of Mexico outside of Monterrey English website: s/Prepa.aspx?VarEN= s/Prepa.aspx?VarEN See Mrs. Dodd if you are interested!!
Rotary ESSEX student exchange 3-6 weeks in the summer You visit another country and live with a family Then, your new “brother” or “sister” comes back to visit you for 3-6 weeks Economical- cost of flight, insurance, and application fee only Contact your local Rotary Club
Countries for ESSEX Austria BelgiumBrazil Canada Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador England Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Italy Mexico Poland SpainSweden Switzerland Taiwan The Netherlands Turkey Venezula
United Planet Short and long term volunteer programs in over 40 countries 1 week to 1 year Unforgettable service opportunities
Broadreach Wide variety of summer study abroad opportunities programs-for-high-school-students.asp
Where There Be Dragons Gap year, summer, and semester programs Adventure and service learning- off the beaten path!
Many, many other options