Discover the World Outside your Community! Study abroad: A brief look at the possibilities…


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Presentation transcript:

Discover the World Outside your Community! Study abroad: A brief look at the possibilities…

Jennifer Grasz, "Traveling abroad has provided me with a greater knowledge and appreciation of global communities and how to effectively navigate around communication and cultural barriers," she wrote in an to CNN. Rick Steves: Study abroad is necessity, not luxury Research shows that experience in other countries makes us more flexible, creative, and complex thinkers.

Benefits of Study Abroad! "Employers are looking for people who can problem-solve, and the study-abroad experience goes directly to that," said Gihan Fernando That is, students who adopted an open and adaptive attitude toward foreign cultures became more able to make connections among disparate ideas. The students’ multicultural engagement also predicted the number of job offers they received after the program ended. "To get most out of your travel, you need to go with the mindset that you are going to do a lot of things and be involved," she said. Study Abroad makes you smarter! Research shows that experience in other countries makes us more flexible, creative, and complex thinkers. Annie Murphy April 29, 2014

When is the best time for study abroad? During High School GAP YEAR (between High School & College) POST SECONDARY (during college)

HIGH SCHOOL Reciprocal programs: Summer Travel/Study programs: Teacher led -vs- with a travel group: GAPP Semester & Year long homestays: Northwest Student Exchange Rotary International AFS AFS-USA (formerly the American Field Service) more than 65 years NSLI National Security Language Initiative for Youth The NSLI-Y program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) CBYX The U.S. State Department funded Congress- Bundestag Youth Exchange Program Security Language Initiative for Youth

a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. This is intended to expand the mind, personal confidence, experiences, and interests prior to college.

Post Secondary Study Abroad Most Universities have Semester abroad opportunities. Usually during the Junior Year. Often Specific to the major.

Studying Overseas as opposed to in the US Many Countries in Europe offer degree programs in English. Many Countries in Europe offer reduced tuition (or no tuition) for Post Secondary Study (even for US students!!!) Germany has been cited as one of the most supportive countries for international students. For one, it tends to be a very inexpensive country to study abroad in, as overseas students pay the same tuition fees as local students, and many universities do not charge any tuition fees at all.