Sustainable Transport Management at Local Level: The ARCHIMEDES Project Mette Skamris Holm, City of Aalborg Coordinator ARCHIMEDES The Single Market Act.


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable Transport Management at Local Level: The ARCHIMEDES Project Mette Skamris Holm, City of Aalborg Coordinator ARCHIMEDES The Single Market Act Committee of the Regions 30 November 2010

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Sustainable transport & energy efficiency in Europe: a priority for cities and towns Transport and energy efficiency are of highest priority for local authorities 80% of the Europe's citizens live in towns and cities 85% of Europe's GDP is generated in cities Some 40% of Europe's CO 2 emissions from road transport and 70% of other pollutants are due to urban traffic Higher demand for mobility leads to more traffic and congestion A constant challenge, which requires ACTIONS

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS - CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability CIVITAS is an EU initiative under the 7 th Framework Programme for supporting and evaluating the implementation of integrated sustainable and energy efficient urban transport strategies in European cities that should make a real difference to the welfare of the European citizen. CIVITAS Plus is the 3 rd and current phase of CIVITAS Runs from Groups 25 cities in 5 demonstration projects EC contribution: Euro 80 Mio Objectives: Sustainable, clean and (energy) efficient urban transport measures Integrated packages of technology and policy measures Critical mass and markets for innovation

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS Expected impact Increased energy efficiency in urban transport Improved road safety in urban areas Increased share of biofuels and other alternative fuels Reduction of CO 2, pollutant emissions and noise Improved efficiency and effectiveness of urban transport and modal balance

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS Plus Project: ARCHIMEDES Achieving Real CHange with Innovative transport MEasures Demonstrating Energy Savings Innovative, integrated ambitious strategies for clean, energy-efficient, sustainable urban transport 83 measures to aid compliance with EU legislations and policy in 6 cities 4 leadings cities: Aalborg (Denmark), Brighton & Hove (UK), Donostia - San Sebastián (Spain), Iasi (Romania) and 2 learning cities Monza (Italy), Usti-nad-Labem (Czech Republic)

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ARCHIMEDES Measures More energy efficient vehicles Testing 2 nd generation bio-diesel in busses and freight vehicles and testing electric and hybrid vehicles Donostia-San Sebastian: 97 buses of the CTSS fleet are running on a 20% mix of biodiesel. The rest of the fleet operates on blends between B5 and B17. Aalborg: 10% substitution of diesel with CO 2 neutral bio fuels in PT is expected to lead to 140t less CO 2 emissions annually. For HGV and vans the figure will be around 175t less CO 2 emissions annually. Aalborg: A Hybrid Shuttle Bus saves up to 30 % in fuel consumptions in the summer Also hybrid vehicles in Monza and Donostia-San Sebastian Electric vehicles and charging points in Aalborg and Brighton & Hove

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ARCHIMEDES Measures More energy efficient deliveries Urban Distribution Centres and Cargo Bikes. Freight Quality Partnerships and Low Emission Zones. Donostia-San Sebastian: Has established an urban distribution centre that operates with bicycle delivery vehicles. By reducing the number of freight vehicle kilometres, the fuel consumption and vehicle movements can be reduced. Aalborg: Eco-driving events to educate drivers to drive more environmental friendly. Among the participating drivers a reduction of 5 % in fuel consumption is realistic. Environmental Zones in Aalborg and Brighton & Hove Freight Quality Partnerships in Aalborg, Donostia-San Sebastian and Brighton & Hove

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ARCHIMEDES Measures Encouraging to energy efficient modes Public Transport, promotional campaigns and telematics Iasi: The partners in Iasi have introduced a promotional campaign through media. The campaign will support a 20% increase in public and non-motorised modes. PT Promotion Campaign in Ustí nad Labem Pre- and On-trip bus traveller information in Aalborg, Donostia-San Sebastian, Iasi and Monza Personalised travel planning tools in Brighton & Hove and Aalborg Improved services in Iasi and Donostia-San Sebastian Bus priority and demand responsive solutions in Iasi and Monza

THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO- FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ARCHIMEDES Measures Encourage to the use of cycling Cycling improvements, facilities and promotion Monza: The city of Monza will implement new cycle routes with bicycle parking facilities and related services (eg. rental, repairs & maintenance) Cycling Routes in Usti nad Labem, Iasi, Donostia-San Sebastian and Aalborg Usti nad Labem: will implement a webportal for cyclists to provide cyclists with route information and advise City Bike Schemes in Aalborg and Donostia-San Sebastian School Travel Plans and promotion campaigns in Aalborg, Brighton & Hove, Donostia-San Sebastian, Iasi and Monza