KEY TERMS: Coureurs De Bois King William’s War Queen Anne’s War King George’s War Acadians French and Indian War / Seven Years’ War Battle of Quebec Albany Congress Pontiac’s Uprising Proclamation of 1763
Objective We will determine how both political and social events in Europe helped lead to the race for dominance in North America. We will understand the conflicts between European countries in North America, and the multi-layered relationships between the five major groups of peoples. We will link the events in the 1600’s through the mid 1700’s to the beginnings of the American Revolution
PERIOD OF CONFLICT Five Major Groups English French Spanish Native American Indians American Colonists
THE FRENCH Controlled much of Canada, The Mississippi River down to Louisiana, and parts of the Caribbean and the Ohio Valley
THE FRENCH Major Economic Endeavors included Beaver Pelt Trade in the North and Sugar Cane in the Caribbean Sparsely Populated North America, only about 7000 French in North America in 1750
Conflicts in North America included: King William’s War 1689 – 1697 Queen Anne’s War 1702 – 1713 Both pitted British Colonists against French couruers de bois (fur traders) Both sides allied with Native Indian Tribes. The Spanish eventually ally with the French in Queen Anne’s War. Both Wars start in Europe and bleed into North America.
Conflicts in North America (cont’d) War of Jenkins Ear Starts 1739 King George’s War Ends 1748 War of Jenkins Ear between the British and Spanish in the Caribbean. This war bleeds into the War of Austrian Succession, or King George’s War. French and Spanish allied against the British. Again, a largely European War that effects North America.
Conflicts in North America (cont’d) French & Indian War Seven Years War Known as the Seven Years War in Europe, the French & Indian War is the first major war actually started on North American Soil. The French, Spanish and various Native American Tribes fight the British and their allied Native American Tribes
George Washington: Sent to the Ohio Valley as a Colonel to protect land claims of Virginian Settlers. Along the way, he and his men fire on French Soldiers, ushering the start of the French and Indian War.
JOIN OR DIE (BEN FRANKLIN – 1754) Famous Cartoon Published just ahead of the Albany Congress
Albany Congress: Called by Britain in 1754 in Albany to ensure the colonies were united against France, and to ensure the support of the Iroquois Indians QUESTION: How might the Albany Congress have helped lead to the Declaration of Independence over 20 years later?
Battle of Quebec 1759 Turning point of the War, Britain takes Quebec. Britain takes Montreal in 1760, the last time a French Flag would fly over Canada.
Treaty of Paris 1763 Ends the French and Indian/Seven Years War. How is this map different than the one we say earlier?
Pontiac Uprising - Ottawa Indian Chief Pontiac attempted to drive the British out of the Ohio Valley with a number of allied Indian tribes. The British retaliate by passing out blankets infected with smallpox to Indian villages. The uprising was soon dealt with, but led to the Proclamation Act of 1763
Proclamation of 1763 Act passed by the British government that prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachians
Answer both of the following in 5-7 sentences each Explain in detail French influence in North America in the period from Explain how the French & Indian War, The Albany Congress, Pontiac’s Uprising and the Proclamation of 1763 all helped lead to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.