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Presentation transcript:

Writing a “Killer” Compare Contrast Essay!! How to “Head-Off” Weak Papers!

The AP World History Exam: Multiple Choice Section – 70 multiple Choice Questions in 55 minutes Three Essays – 2 Hours 10 minutes: 1 DBQ Essay (Document Based Question) 1 Compare Contrast Essay 1 Change & Continuity Over Time Essay TOTAL TIME FOR ENTIRE TEST: 3 Hours, 5 Minutes 50% 17% 17% 17%

The C/C Essay: What to Expect The prompt will allow a choice between developments in at least TWO societies/regions in the SAME time period

2008 C/C Essay Prompt When the prompt says “compare” that always means to compare AND contrast. You will ALWAYS show similarities and differences in this type of essay.

THE RUBRIC You can score 9 points on the C/C Essay. You can score 7 points on the “Basic Core”. In you earn all 7 Basic Core points, you might be able to earn 2 additional “Expanded Core” bonus points.

Your Mission: Write a 5 paragraph essay. Write a thesis that answers ALL parts of the essay prompt and has three ways to prove your argument. Identify three topics for your body paragraphs (these should be the same three ideas in your thesis). If the categories (gender, religion, political, etc.) are given to you in the prompt… you MUST use them! If the categories are not given in the essay prompt, you can use S.P.R.I.I.T.E. themes.

Categories? Categories provided Not provided Only two Categories Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of the Black Plague in 14th century Europe. Compare and contrast the rise of fascism in Germany and Italy in the 1930s. Discuss the ways that seventeenth-century absolute monarchs and twentieth-century dictators gained and maintained their power. Categories provided Not provided Only two Categories

Make a Basic Chart Make a Chart 1ST Region or Civilization (_________________) 2nd 1st Theme 2nd Theme 3rd Theme Make a Chart Make a Basic Chart

Let’s Practice… “Compare the geographic, political, and social characteristics of Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire.” 1. First, make a chart listing everything you know about those civilizations in those categories. 2. Second, write a thesis which answers the prompt.

SPRIITE Geographic Political Social Persian Empire Ancient Greece Hot dry, desert like relied on irrigation for agriculture Mountains, hills City states/polis were separated by geography Political King, satraps, Cyrus, Darius Expanded empire from Mediterranean to India polis was primary political form; democracy/oligarchy Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Corinth Solon the lawgiver, Pericles Social Patriarchy; male supreme head of household Slavery and class divisions family groups Women treated inferior more egalitarian but still had class divisions, had slaves distinct gender roles private & public roles

THESIS Once you have your three categories, you are ready to write your thesis. Your thesis statement should always start with the word “Although” or “While” or “Despite the fact”. Your thesis statement can be one or two sentences.

The BAD Thesis Greece and Persia shared many similarities and differences.

The “Blah” Thesis Although Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire shared some similarities in their social features, they were different politically and geographically.

The Winner Thesis Although both Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire had distinct patriarchal societies which relegated women to an inferior status, their geographic features varied significantly and the size and strength of their political forms were vastly different.

THESIS Your thesis must be a specific and explicit answer to the prompt. It must address ALL parts of the question. If you don’t have a thesis that answers the prompt or you have a really bad one, it could cost you THREE basic core points! Tends to be the “killer” point for many students who don’t answer ALL parts of the prompt.

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly   Bad The recovery of Russia and China after the Mongols had many similarities and differences.  The above sentence is vague, wimpy, and is really just a restatement of an assumption in the prompt. It is a fluttering of loose ends needing to be nailed down onto concrete categories. Now look at this one.       Better When Russia and China recovered from Mongol domination they had similar political goals but different cultural goals. This thesis is getting there.  It at least declares in general categories how the paths of China and Russia were different and how they were similar after the Mongols. It has broken down (analyzed) these things into categories that lend themselves to a well defined essay.  But it could be better.  Note the difference between the above thesis and the one below:   Best While both Russia and China built strong centralized governments after breaking free from the Mongols, Russia imitated the culture and technology of Europe while China became isolated and built upon its own foundations.

MAKING COMPARISONS Your essay must make direct comparisons between societies. Your essay must include similarities as well as differences. Your essay must include sufficient evidence – at least 6 facts (minimum). Your essay must analyze relevant reasons for similarities and differences.

Body Paragraphs Should be Comparative or Contrastive...NOT BOTH What To Do With The Body? Body Paragraphs Should be Comparative or Contrastive...NOT BOTH THESIS PARAGRAPH Similarities Differences Differences Direct Comparison #1 FACT #1- FACT #2- FACT #3- ANALYSIS- Direct Comparison #2 FACT #1- FACT #2- FACT #3- ANALYSIS- Direct Comparison #2 FACT #1- FACT #2- FACT #3- ANALYSIS- Also, DO NOT write about the first civilization and then the second. Instead, write the paper by category. CONCLUSION

The “Why” Statement Lastly, your essay must analyze “why” there were similarities or differences. For example, “Why” were Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia so different politically? This is called analysis. You must go beyond mere comparisons and statements of fact to earn this point.

Region or Civilization (_________________) 2nd Key THESIS: 1ST Region or Civilization (_________________) 2nd Key Similarities and Differences Analyze one reason why each theme is similar/different 1st Theme 2nd Theme 3rd Theme CONCLUSION:

The “Why” Statement You must include analysis in your essay at least THREE times. Usually the analysis statement is placed at the end of the body paragraph, but it can be used throughout the essay. The more analysis the better! If you get stuck – remember the following phrases to help you include analysis: “This [sim/diff] was most likely due to the fact that…” Or “Obviously, this [sim/diff] was a result of…”

EXPANDED CORE If you achieve all 7 basic core points, you can earn an additional 2 points on your essay through the expanded core. Basic core shows competence. Expanded core demonstrates excellence in writing!

EXPANDED CORE Unlike the Basic Core, the Expanded Core can be viewed as somewhat subjective. Concentrate on these four expanded core criteria (easiest way to earn expanded core points): Write a complex, comprehensive thesis. 2. Make consistent comparisons often. 3. Provide ample historical evidence. 4. Include additional analysis of similarities and differences.

Write the Essay! 1. Remember the “Rule of Three” Three points in your thesis Three body paragraphs Three pieces of evidence in support of each point/paragraph Three analysis statements (one per paragraph) Write the paper – Maintain parallel order from thesis 3. Don’t forget to include topic sentences. Also include transition sentences at the end of your body paragraphs

Remember the Outline! THESIS PARAGRAPH Direct Comparison #1 FACT #1- ANALYSIS- Direct Comparison #2 FACT #1- FACT #2- FACT #3- ANALYSIS- Direct Comparison #2 FACT #1- FACT #2- FACT #3- ANALYSIS- CONCLUSION

EXERCISE: In your History Journal, make a chart with three categories showing the similarities and differences between the following two services… & Then write a C/C Thesis. Your thesis must have a total of THREE ideas to compare (2 sims, one diff. or 2 differences, one sim). Your thesis must begin with an “Although” statement: Although While Even Though While it may be true In spite of Granted that ** If you don’t know anything about Facebook or Twitter, compare middle school vs. high school.

1st Theme 2nd Theme 3rd Theme Make a Chart Make a Basic Chart

Please Highlight Your Essay Thesis Sentence(s) – PINK Basic Core #4 – GREEN (direct statement of similarity or difference) Basic Core #5 – YELLOW (“How” or “Why” sentences – at least 2 explanations for a similarity or difference) Remember - DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON YOUR ESSAY!