Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 1 North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance Call Center Performance Measuring & Improving
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 2 To be operationally excellent at being a quality assurance solutions provider that helps call centers measure and improve their service quality, sales and first call resolution performance. Mission Statement… North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 3 Facts About SQM Group… ● We benchmark over 200 leading North American call centers on an annual basis and we have been conducting this benchmarking study for over 9 years ● On an annual basis we conduct over 250,000 surveys with customers who have used a contact center’s call center, , website or IVR channel services ● We also conduct over 20,000 surveys yearly with employees ● Our experience in call center service quality measuring, benchmarking, tracking and managing are unsurpassed and enable us to provide call centers with unique insights into developing and implementing world class customer service ● The majority of SQM’s tracking clients improve on customer satisfaction and operating cost North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 4 SQM Clients… ● Telcos/Cable… Rogers, Bell, FIDO, TELUS, Sprint, SaskTel, Star Choice, AT&T, etc ● Banks… Royal, CIBC, Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal, TD Bank, Wells Fargo, US Bank, ING, Citifinancial, etc ● Retail/Hospitality… Canadian Tire, Sears, Marriott Hotel, WestJet, Staples, Officemax, Safeway, Molson, etc ● Government… Treasury Board, Citizen & Immigration, HRDC, Provincial and Local Government ● 81 of the 100 largest call centers in Canada are SQM clients ● The average SQM call center client size is 400 work stations handling 3.6 million inbound calls ● SQM enjoys 95% customer retention North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance Some of the most successful organizations in North America utilize SQM Group’s expertise to benchmark and track their call centers customer and employee satisfaction such as:
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 5 Call Center Industry Comparison Overall Customer Satisfaction By Industry…
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 6 Call Center Historical Overall Employee Satisfaction By Industry…
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 7 Call Center Key Performance Indicators Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 1.2 Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 2.0 Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 1.5
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 8 Contact Channels Comparison Website Average Contacts to Resolve Inquiry is 1.2 Call Center Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 1.5 IVR Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 1.3 Average Calls to Resolve Inquiry is 1.7 Note: Website ratings are for only the banking industry Key Performance Indicators…
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 9 Contact Channels Comparison Overall Impression of Company has Changed as a Result of Contact Method Experience… Note: Website ratings are for only the banking industry Top Box Better Rating
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 10 Employee and Customer Relationship Study Conducted for Treasury Board of Canada North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 11 The study is based on data collected from January 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005 Customer data is based on 208,125 surveys of customers who phoned a call center in North America Employee data is based on 18,652 surveys of employees who work in a call center in North America 212 call centers in North America have participated in SQM’s benchmarking study (14% are in the public sector; 86% are in the private sector) Call center sample size breakdown percentage is as follows: Low performing call centers are 21% Average performing call centers are 63% High performing call centers are 16% Call center performance criteria is as follows: Low performing call centers are based on customer satisfaction that is 54% and below Average performing call centers are based on customer satisfaction that is 55% to 69% High performing call centers are based on customer satisfaction that is 70% and above Study Methodology…
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 12 Call Center Customer & Employee Overall Satisfaction Improvement Comparison Customer Question… Based on your last call to their call center, overall how satisfied are you with the call center? Employee Question… Based on your working experience at the call center, overall how satisfied are you working at the call center? Note: Rating % is top box very satisfied rating Key Finding… High performing call center overall employee satisfaction improvement % is approximately the same as overall high performing call center customer satisfaction improvement %. Therefore, SQM is of the strong opinion that employee satisfaction impacts customer satisfaction for both the public and private sectors.
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 13 Employee Satisfaction 35% Higher 45% Lower 20% Customer Satisfaction 45% Lower Higher 90% 65% Employee & Customer Satisfaction Relationship Map… Key Finding: Overall private or public call center’s employee and customer relationship is positively or negatively correlated. Public High Public Average Public Low Private High Private Average Private Low All High All Average All Low Positive Relationship Correlation No Relationship Correlation No Relationship Correlation Negative Relationship Correlation
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 14 Employee and Customer Attribute Linkage… Public Note: Points are based on very satisfied ratings Legend: HC=High Call Center AC=Average Call Center LC=Low Call Center Key Finding… High performing call center employee satisfaction attribute improvement % is approximately the same as high performing call center customer satisfaction attribute improvement %.
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 15 Call Center Source of Error for Not Achieving First Call Resolution Comparison
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 16 Call Center Key Performance Indicators Comparison Public Note: Rating % is top box very satisfied rating Key Finding… High performing call centers employee satisfaction increases customer satisfaction resulting in a better (lower) Avg. calls to resolve.
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 17 Call Center Avg. Calls to Resolve Gap Comparison Key Finding… High performing call centers Avg. Call to Resolve is substantially better (lower) than average and low performing call centers resulting in lower operating costs.
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 18 Business Case Why to Improve Employee Satisfaction … Employee Satisfaction Impact Employee Satisfaction Impact Customer Satisfaction Impact Customer Satisfaction Impact Avg. Call to Resolve Impact Avg. Call to Resolve Impact 1% improvement in Employee Satisfaction Equals 2% improvement in Customer Satisfaction 1% improvement in Customer Satisfaction Equals 1% improvement in First Call Resolution (FCR) 5% improvement in FCR Equals.1 improvement in Avg. Call to Resolve Key Finding… Based on a 2.5% improvement in Employee Satisfaction, an average call center can improve Avg. Call to Resolve by.1 and can potentially save $1.7 Million First Call Resolution Impact First Call Resolution Impact
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 19 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices North America’s Leading Experts for Measuring and Improving Call Center Service Quality Performance
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 20 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… In Your Heart & Mind Senior Management Involvement Senior Management Line of Sight Stable Management Team at all Levels Management
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 21 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Business Case Shared No Job Loses Weekly Meetings Sharing Results Awareness
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 22 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… At all Levels Call Types, Segments & Locations Key Vendors FCR & Average Calls Needed for Call Resolution Goals & Accountability
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 23 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Focus on Outcome versus Journey Take Ownership Apologies & Recovers Best Available Solution Customer Acceptance of Resolution Recognizing Customer Dissatisfaction Resolution Outcome
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 24 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Reason for 2 Plus Calls Source of Errors Customer Feedback 2 Plus Calls
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 25 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Measure Weekly Measure FCR, Average Calls Needed for Resolution & Service Quality Attributes Customer is the Judge FCR/CSR Integrity For the QA program separate business and customer measures Call Monitoring/FCR Calibration Measurement
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 26 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Upfront CSR Training Train the Supervisors Benchmark Comparison FCR Performance Targeted Opportunities Coaching
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 27 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Hire for Customers versus Organization FCR Profile Stable Workforce Hiring & Turnover
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 28 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Service Standards (Journey) Service Standards (Outcome) Escalation Process Call Flow Practices Hold & Transfer can be Good CSR Desk Top Applications Call Flow
Copyrighted - No Reproduction TELUS June 8, 2005 Slide 29 Top 10 First Call Resolution Practices… Best Performers Most Improved Performers Monthly Recognition Financial Incentives Quarterly Financial Payout At Least 50% Financial Payout Recognition & Incentives