2 48 Mass Screening events were held between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012 at the Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau Campuses 21 events were held in Anchorage, 20 in Fairbanks, and 7 in Juneau − There were 7 activities as part of the screenings. There were 2,715 screening tests performed and participants could have participated in multiple screenings − Total Waist Circumference Screening Tests: 369 − Total Weight Screening Tests: 490 − Total BMI Screening Tests: 484 − Total Cholesterol/Glucose Screening Tests: 324 − Total Blood Pressure Screening Tests: 492 − Total Body Composition Screening Tests: 441 − Total Balance Tests: 115 December Holiday Health Screenings included: Waist Circumference, Weight, Height, BMI, Blood Pressure, Balance, and Body Composition. Know Your Numbers Spring Screenings added Cholesterol/Glucose and do not include Balance.
3 Mass Screening – Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Numbers − 492 blood pressure tests − 86 tests or 17% had high blood pressure (140/90) − High blood pressure can damage the heart, brain, kidneys, or eyes. This damage causes problems like coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney failure. − Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body Normal blood pressure is 120/80 High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher
4 Mass Screening - Cholesterol Blood Cholesterol Abnormal Results – 324 Participants − High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – Good Cholesterol 75 participants (23%) had HDL under 40 mg/dL − Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Bad Cholesterol 30 participants (9%) had LDL over 130 mg/dL − Triglycerides 18 participants (5%) had triglycerides over 150 mg/dL − Total Cholesterol 113 participants (35%) had total cholesterol over 200 mg/dL − Glucose 84 participants (26%) had glucose of 100 mg/dL High cholesterol is 240 mg/dL and above; borderline high cholesterol is mg/dL; normal cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL (based on Vitality Group cholesterol measures
5 Mass Screening – Body Composition Body Composition Numbers − Staying at a healthy weight is can help prevent serious health problems, including: Heart disease Stroke High blood pressure Type 2 diabetes Sleep apnea − 441 participants with body composition screenings − 163 participants or 43% had abnormal numbers Abnormal for Men - Over 21% body fat in men ages Abnormal for Women - Over 34% body fat in women ages 20-59
7 70 wellness breaks occurred between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012 − Participants could have attended multiple presentations, activities, screenings and tests − Tests are done in addition to mass screenings or IHPs 900 screenings tests occurred during the wellness breaks ActivityTotal Number of Tests Cholesterol/Glucose Screening326 Blood Pressure Screening308 Body Composition Screening266
8 Wellness Breaks Results Blood Cholesterol Abnormal Results – 326 Tests High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – Good Cholesterol 62 tests (19%) had HDL under 40 mg/dL − Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Bad Cholesterol 60 tests (18%) had LDL over 130 mg/dL − Triglycerides 48 tests (15%) had triglycerides over 150 mg/dL − Total Cholesterol 132 participants (40%) had total cholesterol over 200 mg/dL − Glucose 89 participants (27%) had glucose of 100 mg/dL High cholesterol is 240 mg/dL and above; borderline high cholesterol is mg/dL; normal cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL (based on Vitality Group cholesterol measures)
9 Wellness Breaks Results Blood Pressure Abnormal Numbers – 308 tests − 51 tests (17%) had blood pressure over 140/90 Body Composition Abnormal Numbers- 266 actual tests (those who reported their age and gender = 190) − 101 tests or 53% had abnormal numbers Abnormal for Men - Over 21% body fat in men ages Abnormal for Women - Over 34% body fat in women ages 20-59
11 WIN-WIN Weight Loss Program 16 week onsite weight loss program offered at Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau campuses. Incentives for participation and attendance in the program. 56 body composition percentage points lost 441 pounds lost and 105 inches lost Each 2-inch increase in waist circumference was associated with close to a 17% increase in mortality in men and a 13% increase in women* Men and women with the largest waists (more than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) had roughly double the risk of premature death as men and women with the smallest waists (less than 34 inches for men and 28 for women)* Location Number of Participants Avg. Attendance # of Lbs. Lost Avg. Lbs. Lost per Participant Total Inches Lost Avg. Inches Lost per Participant Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau86486NA *
13 Get the Point (GTP) Activity based point system with incentives Number of prizes claimed increased 28% from 2009 to 2010, decreased 9% from 2010 to 2011, and decreased 17% from 2011 to 2012 2011 Prize, Packaging, and Postage Costs = $158,959 # of Eligible is the total number of benefit eligible employees and includes those that have opted-out of the benefit plan
LOCKTON DUNNING BENEFITS Individualized Health Planning (IHP)
15 Participation in IHP Sessions SessionPhase 1 (Jan. 08 – Oct. 08)* Phase 2 (Oct. 08 – Jun. 09) Phase 3 (Oct. 09 – Jun. 10) Phase 4 (Oct. 10 – Jun. 11) Phase 5 (Oct. 11 – Jun. 12) 1. Initial Session Two Week Assessment Six Week Evaluation Halfway Checkup Four Month Review Final Strategy Session * Anchorage and Juneau only. 88% completion rate for phase 5 compared to 87% in Phase 4 700 participants set short-term goals and 86% completed them 754 participants set long-term goals and 76% completed them
16 IHP Screening Results There were 13,791 screening tests performed and participants could have participated in multiple screenings. There were 7 tests available. Blood Cholesterol Abnormal Results − High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – Good Cholesterol (1,702 tests) 605 tests (36%) had HDL under 40 mg/dL − Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Bad Cholesterol (1,702 tests) 142 tests (8%) had LDL over 130 mg/dL − Total Cholesterol (1,702 tests) 557 tests (33%) had total cholesterol over 200 mg/dL − Glucose (1,653 tests) 657 tests (40%) had glucose of 100 mg/dL Borderline high cholesterol is mg/dL; normal cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL (based on Vitality Group cholesterol measures)
17 IHP Results Blood Pressure Abnormal Numbers − 261 tests (15%) had blood pressure over 140/90 (1,757 tests) Body Composition Abnormal Numbers- − 763 tests (44%) had abnormal numbers (1,749 tests) Abnormal for Men - Over 21% body fat in men ages Abnormal for Women - Over 34% body fat in women ages 20-59
18 Rural IHPs Rural IHPs were done telephonically from February 2012 through June 2012 Demographics were only tracked for the rural IHPs 20 participants from rural locations around the state participated in the program 17 were female and 3 were male 13 participants were located in three rural campuses: Kodiak: 7 participants Kenai/Soldotna: 3 participants Nome: 3 participants
20 Phase 5 Individual Changes in IHPs 318 participants lost a combined total of 2,157 pounds 279 participants lost a combined total of 578 percentage points of body fat 253 participants lost a combined total of 484 waist circumference inches 443 participants lost a combined total of 9,915 total cholesterol points 369 participants lost a combined total of 3,538 systolic blood pressure points 359 participants lost a combined total of 2,512 diastolic blood pressure points
21 Overall Health Range Change Data for Biometrics Phase 5 Waist Circumference ParticipantsTotals % of Total Participation Increased waist circumference % Decreased waist circumference % No change % Total Participation587100% Waist Circumference There is a significant increase in the frequency of heart disease and diabetes with an increased waist circumference. For men, each increase of approximately 5.5 inches (14 cm) can equate to a 35% increase chance of heart disease. For women an increase of approximately 6 inches (15cm) can equate to a 40% increase for heart disease. Even in people who are lean, an increasing waist circumference means increasing risk for heart disease and diabetes. There was a 30% positive overall range change in waist circumference.
22 Continued… Cholesterol Excessive cholesterol causes a buildup of plaque in the walls of a person’s arteries. This buildup of plaque over time can cause narrowing of the arteries, called atherosclerosis. Lowering blood cholesterol can decrease the chance of having a heart attack. Lowering cholesterol may also slow down, reduce, or even stop plaque from building up. There was an 11% positive overall range change in total cholesterol levels and that 21% of the no range change participants who maintained their cholesterol under 200 points. High Blood Cholesterol, National Institutes of Health (NIH), September AHA News, 10/22/2007, High numbers of men and women are overweight, obese and have abdominal fat, worldwide, Beverly Balkau, Ph.D., director of research at INSERM in Villejuif, France. Cholesterol ParticipantsTotals % of Total Participation Increased cholesterol to 200 points or over % Decreased cholesterol to under 200 points % Total no range change for cholesterol* % Total Participation % Maintained cholesterol under 200 points % Maintained cholesterol 200 points or over % *No Range Change ParticipantsTotals% of Total Participation *These participants could have significant change within the same health range.
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