Publication Relations Department Kera Joseph
I was born in Lansing, MI and graduated from Grand Ledge High School. I am currently attending Michigan State University to receive a Bachelors in Advertising. I hope to eventually own my business, or in management.
The Public Relations and Diversity Department is a community-based cultural connection for the BWL. The Board services the community in many ways. I have selected a few programs that I have become familiar with, to talk about. They are: BWL Chili Cook-off Dapper Dads Competition Cultural Field Trips Commemorative Brick Promotion Departmental publications
To become familiar with these programs, I needed to become involved in day to day PR & D objectives : Attend weekly staff meetings Learn about department publications and correspondence Be creative in presenting new ideas for projects Be a team player by assisting in the coordination of BWL activities and connecting with people for the first time.
Created promotion for Dapper Dads Competition to assist in supporting BWL -CEO, and contestant: J. Peter Lark. Provided feedback and helped to modify advertising for the campaign and Created Flyer. Assisted in the correspondence and certification of BWL employees who had completed formal Diversity training. Assisted in coordinating Cultural Enrichment Field Trip to Detroit Tigers Game. Created and processed spreadsheet of all purchases, and provided weekly reports to executive management. Point-of-contact for the Reo Town Plant Commemorative Brick Promotion by giving information to employees, processing applications and making weekly reports to executive management. Secured information and created flyer for Cultural Enrichment Field Trip to Arab-American Museum.
Conducted interview with Altus Restaurant owner: Altu Tadesse, then published monthly BWL article entitled: Discovering Diversity –Ethiopia ( Article #36) July Compiled information for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Program, and IEDC members; created PP presentation recapping 2 terms of service for current members. Attended all BWL facility tours in internship program, including the construction site of the new REO Town Plant and Headquarters. Constructed Letters to potential guests for the Silver Bells Electric Light Parade: The Sexton Boys Basketball team, Jordyn Wieber, and Shabazz Reaching Higher Choir. Conducted interview with Altus Restaurant owner: Altu Tadesse, then published monthly BWL article entitled: Discovering Diversity –Ethiopia ( Article #36) July Compiled information for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Program, and IEDC members; created PP presentation recapping 2 terms of service for current members. Attended all BWL facility tours in internship program, including the construction site of the new REO Town Plant and Headquarters. Constructed Letters to potential guests for the Silver Bells Electric Light Parade: The Sexton Boys Basketball team, Jordyn Wieber, and Shabazz Reaching Higher Choir.
Attend all CCO set-up meetings Coordinate distribution of sponsorship support package to sponsors Updated sponsorship purchase information for posting on BWL internet website Coordinated retrieval and return of corporate Banners to CCO sponsors.
Secured company banners from local sponsors Labeled over 600 muffin tin containers with label of supporting sponsor Assisted in coordinating first CCO volunteer meeting at Louis Adado Riverfront Park. Assisted in set-up and assembly of site prior to event. Posted banners at designated locations, retrieved & returned all banners to sponsors. Coordinated delivery of sponsorship packages to companies. (included t-shirts and posters) Mailed out all Thank-You letters to sponsors, vendors, and volunteers. Assisted in compiling Chili Cook-off planning notes and contact information for future events.
I would recommend future interns in the Public Relations and Diversity department to be flexible and prepared for anything. PR & D is a very fast paced environment, especially when it comes to the larger events like Chili Cook-Off or Silver Bells. Initial instructions or directions are always subject to change, depending on inside or outside variables. The mission of Public Relations and Diversity at The Board of Water and Light is to develop strong relationships within the organization and the community. This is achieved thru formal training, fun and innovative programs for employees and customers, and community service activities that raise charitable donations for community organizations. The corporate vision for diversity is to create an environment which values inclusion, equity, and differences, as enhancements to the programs and services it offers to its ratepayers.