Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg 15-16 February 2006 Dr Nozha Boujemaa INRIA Imedia, Paris MUSCLE NoE.


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Presentation transcript:

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 Dr Nozha Boujemaa INRIA Imedia, Paris MUSCLE NoE

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 MUSCLE is a European network of excellence designed to foster close collaboration and integration between research groups in multimedia datamining and machine learning in order drive breakthrough progress towards:  Harnessing the full potential of machine learning and cross-modal interaction  Applying machine learning to effectively assist users in the exploration of multimedia content.  Improving interoperability and exchangeability of heterogeneous and distributed (meta)data  Ensure durable integration and collaboration through the creation of a virtual teams  Contribute to the distribution and uptake of the technology through dissemination, liaison and training Network Activities Joint Programme of Activities designed around a joint scientific agenda shared by the MUSCLE community E-teams, acting as virtual labs designed to focus on intermediate scientific challenges Education and training: internal fellowship programme and summer school Integration of European research community Joint publications Conference and event sponsoring Project Overview

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 The main dissemination targets are the European and International scientific communities in image processing, image retrieval and machine learning. Future MUSCLE dissemination activities will aslo target - General public to democratise scientific activities - Industrial stakeholders in the field (showcasing) to promote technology uptake Dissemination Scheme  Website:  Web links pointing towards the MUSCLE web site  Posters, flyers, leaflets and give away “MUSCLE NoE business cards”  Press releases, Interviews: ERCIM news (10 00 copies worldwide), Technology television Channel invited to Istanbul meeting (  Online showcases: To stimulate interest from industry and the public at large,  Muscle Scientific Meetings (largely aimed at the NoE consortium but open to outside participants).  Online Publications: Public deliverables, preprint archive, articles Dissemination targets Dissemination vectors

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 Dissemination Activities  Events (to increase visibility in the research community) Muscle is (co-)organizing and sponsoring a number of high-profile scientific events: 2nd Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, in conjuction with ECCV06, Graz, Austria (May 2006); 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, in conjuction with ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara CA, USA, Oct. 2006; 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2006, July 14-15, 2006, Leipzig Germany (Pending)  Summer schools: Joint Delos-Muscle Summer school: Multimedia Digital Libraries: Machine learning and cross-modal technologies for access and retrieval, June, San Vincenzo, Tuscany, Italy. This summer school is aimed at graduate students and will be open to external participants. Second Muscle summer school June 2007 : location and title to be determined.  Book Projects Summer school lectures will be collected to produce a tutorial book for graduate students. Machine Learning applications in multimedia access and retrieval (Springer LNCS, early 2007?) Cross-modal interaction (Springer LNCS, May 2007).  Benchmarking workshops (to increase awareness of both the challenges and possible solution strategies (including standards) in the research community) Image and Video Retrieval Evaluation, in cooperation with ImageCLEF (DELOS-funded). It will be held at the ECDL 2006 in Alicante in September. Coin Recognition Competition (huge ground-truthed database of pre-Euro coins). Open to student teams and a prize will be to the victorious team. DAGM conference in Berlin in September. Planned Benchmarking Initiative on “Closing the Numerical Gap”  Exploring collaboration with Southeast Asia (: - Promotion of the Muscle activities in the ENGAGE meeting in Manilla, Philippines on the 39,30 and 31 March 2006, in the De La Salle University.

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 Dissemination Activities  Events (to increase visibility in the research community) Muscle is (co-)organizing and sponsoring a number of high-profile scientific events: 2nd Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, in conjuction with ECCV06, Graz, Austria (May 2006); 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, in conjuction with ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara CA, USA, Oct. 2006; 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2006, July 14-15, 2006, Leipzig Germany Several Special sessions IEEE-ACM conferences (CBMI’05,MIR’05, PCM’04, ACIVS’04,…)  Summer schools: Joint Delos-Muscle Summer school: Multimedia Digital Libraries: Machine learning and cross- modal technologies for access and retrieval, June, San Vincenzo, Tuscany, Italy. This summer school is aimed at graduate students and will be open to external participants. Second Muscle summer school June 2007 : location and title to be determined.  Book Projects Summer school lectures will be collected to produce a tutorial book for graduate students (LNCS end 2006) Machine Learning applications in multimedia access and retrieval (Springer LNCS, early 2007?) Cross-modal interaction (Springer LNCS, May 2007).

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 Dissemination Activities  Benchmarking workshops (to increase awareness of both the challenges and possible solution strategies (including standards) in the research community) Image and Video Retrieval Evaluation, in cooperation with ImageCLEF (DELOS-funded). It will be held at the ECDL 2006 in Alicante in September. Coin Recognition Competition (huge ground-truthed database of pre-Euro coins). Open to student teams and a prize will be to the victorious team. DAGM conference in Berlin in September. Planned Benchmarking Initiative on “Closing the Numerical Gap”  Exploring collaboration with non- European : Southeast Asia - Promotion of the Muscle activities in the ENGAGE meeting in Manilla, Philippines on the 39,30 and 31 March 2006, in the De La Salle University - Chinese Academy of Science (CASIA), NII (Japan) USA (NSF)

Network of Excellence “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg February 2006 *Merci Thank you*