Lucius Copeland, steam engine, 12mph
Daimler Reitwagen, gasoline
Slide #1 The teacher will… – show the first slide – Ask the students if they know what word is shown. – Introduce the word and topic. – Start a discussion on what they students know about motorcycles. (What do you know about motorcycles? And have the students raise their hand and give you their information.) – Teach the students how to spell the word motorcycle. – Go through each letter with the students. – Pass out a four page booklet. – Guide them to write it down on the first page of their booklet.
Slide #2 The teacher will.. – Before advancing to this slide, pass out to each student a puzzle that contains the image shown. – Have the students put the puzzle together. – Help students who are having difficulty with the puzzle. – Go around asking students what they think is in the image. – Instruct the students to glue the image down on the first page of their booklet. – Turn this slide on. – Tell the students that this is the first motorcycle. Lucius Copeland created this steam engine motorcycle. Cars today do not have steam engines because they went really slow. This motorcycle could only go 12mph. – Demonstrate with your body how slow the vehicle moved. – Ask the students if they have seen a motorcycle that has looked like this before. – Explain that motorcycles do not look like this anymore because humans changed them to fit with their fast moving lifestyle.
Slide #3 The teacher will.. – Before advancing to this slide, pass out to each student a puzzle that contains the image shown the right. – Have the students put the puzzle together. – Help students who are having difficulty with the puzzle. – Go around asking students what they think is in the image. – Instruct the students to glue the image down on the second page of their booklet. – Turn this slide on. – Explain that the image on the left is the previous motorcycle we put together and the one on the right is the picture they just put together. – Ask the class what they think is different between the two motorcycles. – Tell the class that Daimler Reitwagen build this motorcycle and that it has a gasoline engine. This engine was put on the motorcycle to make it go faster than the steam engine. – Ask the students what this image reminds them of and for a hint or a discussion help, mention their bicycle.
Slide #4 The teacher will.. – Before advancing to this slide, pass out to each student a puzzle that contains the image shown. – Have the students put the puzzle together. – Help students who are having difficulty with the puzzle. If students are having too much difficulty putting the puzzles together switch to having the students draw the image. – Go around asking students what they think is in the image. – Instruct the students to glue the image down on the third page of their booklet. – Turn this slide on. – Tell the students that the puzzle they just put together is the image on the right and that it was created in This motorcycle is starting to look like the motorcycles we have on the road these days and that it goes faster than the vehicle in the image on the left. – Ask the students what they see as a difference in the two images.
Slide #5 The teacher will.. – Before advancing to this slide, pass out to each student a puzzle that contains the image shown. – Have the students put the puzzle together. – Help students who are having difficulty with the puzzle. If students are having too much difficulty putting the puzzles together switch to having the students draw the image. – Go around asking students what they think is in the image. – Instruct the students to glue the image down on the fourth page of their booklet. – Turn this slide on. – Explain that this is a modern day motorcycle, which means that it is a motorcycle that can be found on the roads today. Explain that it is the year 2012, and that there is almost 100 years difference in these two motorcycles. There are motorcycles on the road that do not have to look exactly like this, but they do look similar. – Tell the students to flip to the first page in their booklet and notice the difference between the first motorcycle and the current motorcycle. – Ask the students to predict what a motorcycle might look like in the future and draw it on the last page of their booklet. – Go around to each student and ask them why they made changes to the current motorcycle and assess them if they know that humans make changes over time to man-made items.