The Evolution of Motorbikes By: Khalifa Al Thani
Howard Roper first motorcycle The First Motorcycle 14 Apr 1867 In 1867 Howard Roper made the first motorcycle it had a steam-engine. The engine used coal to work Roper was from America
The first gas engine The first gas engine motorcycle 14 Apr 1885 In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler invented gas engine motorcycle it was an engine stuck to a wooden bike Daimler was from Germany he used Nicolaus Otto's engine
The first motorbike sold Hildebrand wolfmuller 6 Jun 1895 The first motorbike sold was a Hildebrand and Wolfmuller. Bicycle companies put a new invention, The internal combustion engine onto their bicycles when new engines became more powerful the standard bicycle frames, wheels and chains could not handle them.
Harley- Davidson new design motorbike 14 Apr 1903 In 1903 Harley-Davidson motor company was started. The Harley motorbikes were long from the front and the tires are big. many of the ninteenth century inventors who worked on early,motorcycles often moved onto other inventions Daimler and Roper, for example both went on develop automobile.
The first sport motorcycle The Standard motorcycle was being left behind the new race of owing a Cruiser or Sport Bike. By the early 1990's you almost couldn't find a manufacturer offering one!