Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Afjal Hossain Assistant Professor
Attracting Human Resources: Staff, Volunteers and Boards Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Chapter Eight
1.Direct service 2.Fundraising 3.Giving advice, information or counseling 4.Organizing an event 5.Visiting people, companionship 6.Administrative or clerical work 7.Board member or trustee 8.advocacy Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Job Specifications of a Volunteer
1.Religious organizations 2.Youth development 3.Education 4.Human service 5.Health 6.Work-related organizations 7.Environment 8.Art, culture and humanities 9.Public and social benefits 10.Political organizations 11.Private and community foundations 12.International organizations Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Job Areas of a Volunteer
Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) are to be preferred because: 1.Have lower overhead costs 2.Are less bureaucratic 3.Are less subject to political influence 4.Are more sensitive to grass-roots needs and wants 5.Are better able to mobilize the poor while at the same time providing services when the public sector fails Salomon and Sokolowski group the activities into 2 broad categories in which nonprofits participate: A.Service role B.Experience role Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Cross-national comparisons
There have also been changes in the kinds of nonprofit organizations in which individuals volunteered are: 1.Increasing a)Art and culture b)Environment c)Human service d)International e)Work-related f)Youth development 2.Decreasing - Religion Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Trends
Goss attributes 4 features which troubles the nonprofit marketers: 1.Decreased club participation 2.Fewer children at home (prompting PTA membership) 3.More reliance on television for entertainment 4.More full time work for all adults Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Trends
Determine the target market segments he or she is going to pursue Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Recruiting Volunteers
Four factors to impact on their decisions to move forward: 1.The benefits and costs perceived 2.Exchange will have to make 3.Weighting on the decision will be influence of others 4.Individual sense of self-efficacy Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University From Contemplation to Action
There are many benefits that have been found to cross the minds of individuals considering volunteering: 1.To feel needed 2.To make a difference 3.To get to know a new neighborhood etc Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Benefits
Higher participation rates were associated with higher costs as perceived by the participant Others: Religion Teenage groups can be influenced in volunteering Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Costs
Significant increasing in volunteering among this population could be achieved by: 1.Showing them how to fit it into busy schedules 2.Describing activities for all age groups 3.Providing transportation or car-pooling 4.Being clear on the steps involved 5.Showing that the organization will be flexible in case the volunteers future circumstances change 6.All volunteers will be carefully trained Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Self-efficacy
1.It provides access to sites 2.It allows individuals to go to a potential organizations own website and learn something about its and its volunteering opportunities 3.To match organizations with individual interests Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Importance of Web
Besides removing all of the barriers to possible action, organizations should design opportunities for potential volunteers to experiment with a new behavior Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Preparation/ Action
To approach target audiences in the maintenance stage: 1.A starting point is with some kind of formative research 2.To conduct formal surveys of volunteers 3.To ascertain what it is that made them quit 4.Conduct periodic assessment of present volunteers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Maintenance-Retaining Volunteers
Sources of dissatisfaction: 1.Unreal expectations when volunteering 2.Lack of appreciative feedback from clients and co- workers 3.Lack of appropriate training and supervision 4.Feelings of second-class status vis-à-vis full time staff 5.Excessive demands on time 6.Lack of sense of personal accomplishment Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Maintenance-Retaining Volunteers
Benefits given by the organization to the volunteers: 1.Values their contribution 2.Appreciates any extra effort from them 3.Cares about their well-being 4.Cares about their opinions 5.Tries to make their jobs as interesting as possible Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Maintenance-Retaining Volunteers
On the side of Volunteer: 1.They are donating service to the nonprofit and are not paid by the organization 2.They don’t really work for the organization 3.They should have a great deal to say about the content and timetable for their assignments 4.They deserve continual appreciation for their generosity and commitment Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Problems for Mixing up Volunteer with Full-time Staff
On the side of Organization: 1.Volunteers are dilettantes 2.Volunteers never really pay attention to their training and instruction 3.Volunteers often come from occupations 4.Volunteers are often well-to-do members of the leisure classes who: 1.Consider themselves better than professional staffs 2.Are unwilling to perform grubby tasks like licking envelopes or cleaning bedpans. Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Problems for Mixing up Volunteer with Full-time Staff
Ken Nations suggest the following standards and managerial practices to maintain the volunteers like a professional one: 1.Assessing the volunteers’ skills, matching these skills to the tasks to be performed in the organization 2.Setting our job responsibilities clearly and in detail in advance 3.Setting specific performance goals and benchmarks 4.Clearly informing the volunteers of these goals and of the fact that they are expected to achieve them 5.Informing the volunteers that if they do not achieve their satisfactory level then they will be shifted to elsewhere 6.Following through on the standards of accountability, knocking heads and dismissing volunteers until the word gets around that management is serious in its commitments Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Managing Volunteers
The influence of Boards of Marketing: 1.The board will keep a close eye on the tactics used by the marketing department whether they meet the board concept of ethical behavior 2.Boards serve direct decision making 3.To provide specific expertise 4.To help out in fundraising 5.Provide a very important function as a link to the environment Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Boards of Directors and The Marketing Function
Recruiting Board Members: Four kinds of incentives for participation in nonprofit boards- 1.Material incentives 2.Social incentives 3.Development incentives 4.Ideological incentives Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Boards of Directors and The Marketing Function
Reasons of joining as board members: 1.Wanting to help the community 2.Believing in the agency’s mission 3.Wanting to accomplish something 4.Being obligated by their employer 5.Wanting personal development 6.Repaying the agencies Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Boards of Directors and The Marketing Function
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