Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad OBSTACLE AVOIDER USING SENSOR TECHNOLOGY Kiran kumar Dileep raju Bojja Haranath
What is a sensor? Wikipedia Definition “ Device that detects(senses) changes in the ambient conditions or in the state of another device or a system, and conveys or records this information in a certain manner”
SPECIFICATIONS OF SENSOR Accuracy: error between the result of a measurement and the true value being measured. Resolution: the smallest increment of measure that a device can make. Sensitivity: the ratio between the change in the output signal to a small change in input physical signal. Slope of the input- output fit line. Repeatability/Precision: the ability of the sensor to output the same value for the same input over a number of trials
TYPES OF SENSORS Bump sensors, which are switches activated when the robot touches an obstacle. Infrared proximity detectors, which detect the presence of an object in front of the sensor. Ultrasonic range sensors, which determine the range of the object in front of it. Laser range finders, which work on the same principle as ultrasonic
Obstacle avoidance is a primary requirement for any autonomous mobile robot. The robot acquires information about its surroundings through sensors mounted on the robot. PRIMARY REQUIREMENT OF ROBOT
COMPONENTS Micro controller AVR Board Atmega 8 Connecting Wires Infrared Sensor ( analog ) LCD Screen DC Adapter 2 DC Motors USB-ASP Programmer 3 Pin Relimate for IR Sensor 4 Pin Relimate for LED 6 Pin Relimate for Programmer 8 Pin Relimate for LCD