1 Welcome! Leadership and Life Development Department Florida Baptist Convention 1230 Hendricks Ave Jacksonville FL extension
2 A Bible Based Deacon Ministry presented by: Roy Lee Saint, Associate Director Leadership and Life Development Department Florida Baptist Convention
3 A Bible based deacon ministry can only be accomplished when the deacons involved in it are Bible based deacons. There Is A Call For All Deacon’s To Be Bible Based
4 A Bible Based Deacon Ministry Serves Christ as Lord Is servant oriented Understands the mission of the church Ministers actively Exercises proper leadership Relies on the Holy Spirit Rejoices in the Father’s “Well Done !”
5 A Bible Base Call Of Deacons Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 (NASB77) Calling, also referred to as passion, will lead you to compelling action. Your calling defines your purpose as your heart for people, issues, functions, or causes. You can identify your passion and understand God’s purpose for your life when you commit to God’s call in your life.
6 Bible Based Qualifications 1 Timothy 3 –Christian dedication (3:8) Deacons likewise must be men of dignity Dignity, Grave…one who possesses Christian purpose, who has great reverence for spiritual matters. One whose word carries weight. –Truthfulness in speech (3:8) Not double-tongued Dependable and responsible in controlling the tongue
7 Bible Based Qualifications –Disciplined Christian living (3:8) Not addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain. Temperate in living, steward of good influence, doing all to the glory of God. Not greedy of lucre…a right attitude toward material possessions, not eager to exploit others for his own gain or profit.
8 Bible Based Qualifications –Integrity in Christian conduct (3:9) But holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. One who gives strength to the church fellowship and one who possesses spiritual integrity beyond reproach.
9 Bible Based Qualifications –Proven spiritual maturity (3:10) And let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Tested and proved…one who demonstrates these spiritual qualifications before being elected to serve as a deacon.
10 Bible Based Qualifications –Christian family life (3:12) Let deacons be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. One whose family is well-cared for, whose family relationships are healthy and growing. Model of faithful devotion to one spouse, committed to the sanctity of the marriage bond. Manages his own home well, loved and respected by his spouse and children, firm but with compassion and tenderness of Christ.
11 Basic Convictions about Deacon Ministry Deacons find their purpose in helping the church be all that God established the church to be as Christ’s body in extending God’s Kingdom on earth.
12 Basic Convictions about Deacon Ministry The chief purpose of the church references accomplishing God’s purposes for God’s glory and not what seems comfortable or reasonable to us.
13 Basic Convictions The church belongs to God and not to us. God gives it to us as a gracious gift and a stewardship responsibility.
14 Basic Convictions As a deacon you should feel a sense of the leadership of our Lord to a place of service and not to a place of honor or power. You don’t serve to meet your needs.
15 Basic Convictions The Bible, NOT our traditions, gives us guidance for deacon ministry. The main work of deacons does not occur in the meeting of deacons. Deacon and spouse serve as a ministering couple. Deacons and pastors serve in a team relationship as partners in ministry.
16 What Does A Bible Based Deacon Look Like? He feels called to the Biblical role of a deacon. He serves Christ as Lord. He fulfills Biblical qualifications of a deacon. He accomplishes ministry actions. He understands the mission of the church. He provides servant leadership. He grows in Christian traits. He rejoices in the Father’s “Well done!”
17 The End Developing Leaders Strengthening Families Equipping Leaders for Ministry DISCIPLESHIP & FAMILY