MAKING DECISIONS TOPIC AND YEAR Syllabus Project & Technology Recycling and conservation Power point presentation of class findings Create website for school and home use about how to better conserve out water. Use iphones excel, EW, ppt, internet
GETTING STARTED THE WEBSITE We chose to use yola as it is a fairly user-friendly site and Anita and Billie were both already familiar with its features. We contemplated using a wiki instead, but decided that for our purposes, a website was more suitable. We chose blue as the base colour for our website, as we felt that this suited our project well.
GETTING STARTED SHARING INFORMATION We’ve each created at least one google doc for sharing. All information gathered including websites, resources and lesson plans has been shared. We have each added to and edited pages made by each other to share our ideas.
ANITA Created lesson plans for week 2 and structured the links and resources google doc for uploading onto the website Designed the lesson plans with the idea of what would be engaging at that age. Decided on the water corporation to be the base site, researched what key objectives from the curriculum syllabus will match with the information and age level. Used You tube to create an extra visual engagement point for the students. Researched water activities and came up with a homework activity where the students have to complete a template and do a presentation. Also in lesson two I have included an excursion to a water pumping station, I thought that with the research of students comprehending more by physical involvement this would be a good addition. Finally, the group gathered all links and resources together which Anita put onto a student/ teacher PDF links pg.
BILLIE Created the website that we would be presenting our information on. She chose yola, as it is easy to use, and Anita and her were both familiar with it. Took charge of working out how the students would find and present their information. This included deciding on the presentation space, and creating a flyer for student's to provide information about the project. Added the base information onto our site about the general plan for the project and how it could be implemented. Added information and links onto our site about yola and wix as suggestions for a class website. Added the creative commons licence Finally. the most daunting task was trying to ensure that we had referenced correctly.
MARCIA Instigated the google doc sharing with a lesson page to brainstorm our teaching structure Created the lesson plans for week one. Added information on the Home page. Added weebly content on the Introduction page. Added footnote to The plan page. Added information on survey sites to the Student Project page. Added picture and documents to the Lesson Plans page Formatted the links and resources page once the google doc was finished. Added the You tube videos and links for some of the teacher and student resources. Changed the html code on all links so they would open in a new tab.
THE FINAL PRODUCT And this is our final product. A website resource for teachers to use at a year 4 level to teach students about Resources and Conservation using a range of technologies.