By: Blake Iddings & Maggie Bedillion
There’s about 6500 known species of reptiles Split into 3 different orders: Turtles Lizards and Snakes Diversified throughout land and ecosystems -including driest deserts
Amniotic Egg: made reptiles fully independent from water Dry, Scaly Skin Ectotherm – “cold- blooded”; can’t regulate its own body temp. but relys on environmental heat Vertebrate
Reptiles sexually reproduce by laying eggs Some give birth to live young that hatch from the eggs inside the mother’s body Most reptiles reproduce amniotic eggs, which are able to survive out of water These eggs have complex membrane systems Protective shells that are permeable to oxygen and other gases
Complete digestive tract Organs include: Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Intestines Liver Pancreas Anus eature/American-alligator eature/American-alligator
Water tight skin enriched with protein called keratin Keratin prevents dehydration Skull Backbone Hinged jaw
Turtles Lizards Snakes Crocodiles alligators
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