Seasons of Poems Webquest
Introduction Poetry can take many forms and styles. It is primarily used to convey emotions. It can also can contain information, especially information related to the senses. Seasons are apart of our everyday experience of the world around us and effect our lives in many ways.
Scenario The weather has been changing lately but no one can figure out what is going on! Different people are experiencing different weather based on these changes in season. What better way to describe these seasons using different kinds of poetry?!
Roles Each person in your group will write a poem exploring one of the seasons and then you will explain what seasons you are each experiencing to the rest of your group. Student 1: you will write and share a poem about winter. Student 2: you will write and share a poem about spring. Student 3: you will write and share a poem about summer. Student 4: you will write and share a poem about fall.
Task For this webquest, we will be learning about different types of poetry and the different seasons. We will be learning about these topics by using various internet sources. After learning about different poetry, we will write poems about the different seasons using the new styles of poems of we have learned. Each student will then share their poems in multiple groups and will finish by binding their poems into one book with a poem about each season in it.
Process Step 1: Each group of four will be assigned a type of poem: haiku, acrostic, or limerick. Step 2: As a group, read about your poem and read a few of the examples given. Haiku: Acrostic: Limerick:
Process Step 3: read the following about seasons: reasons-for-the-four-seasons.php Step 4: Watch the following BrainPop video as a group: Step 5: Decide which person in each group would like to study each season. You should have a person studying winter, spring, summer, and fall
Process Step 6: Read about your season Winter: categories/holidaysseasons/133-winter.html Spring: categories/holidaysseasons/134-spring.html Summer: categories/holidaysseasons/130-summer.html Fall: categories/holidaysseasons/113-autumn.html
Process Step 7: Use your new knowledge about poetry and seasons to write a poem about your season using your style of poetry. Do this in a Word document. At the top of your page include the Step 8: Add clip art related to your poem to the paper. Step 9: Go back into your group of four and share your poems. Step 10: Group together with the students who had the same season and teach your classmates about the style of poem you had and then read your poem. Step 11: Go back into the group of four and discuss the different types of poetry that you heard about. Step 12: Bind the four poems from your group together, and as a group create a cover page for your book about the seasons. Be sure to include a drawing or picture (this can be clip art or hand drawn)
Exceeds 5-4 pts Meets standards 4-3 pts Almost meets standards 3-2 pts Does not meet standards 2-1 pts teamwork Participates within the group, helps the group to stay on task, is a leader. Participates and stays on task. Participates but sometimes gets off task. Does not participate and/or is off task consistently Use of poetry style Uses the correct format and follows all of the rules of the style Mostly correct, but there may be one or two errors Follows the format but several errors Does not follow the correct format Relation to season Accurately includes information about the season and expands on this using background knowledge Accurately includes information about the season Includes some (accurate) information about the season Does not include any (accurate) information about the season Design/creativity Decorates the poem using clipart, borders, fonts and colors Decorates using two types of visual. (clipart, borders, fonts or colors) Uses one type of visual No decoration Use of language/ vocabulary Uses a variety of vocabulary and words that relate to the season and poem. Highly descriptive. Uses appropriate vocabulary for the poem and season. Uses some vocabulary about the season that fits into the poem Uses little to no vocabulary related to the season
Conclusion What are some different kinds of poems? What are the differences between the seasons? What causes the differences? What are activities that are done in winter? Spring? Summer? Fall? How are ways that poetry can be used to convey ideas? What are other ways that you could use each kind of poetry? What is your favorite kind of poem? What was your favorite part of this webquest? If you could change one thing about this webquest, what would it be?