Because Einstein says so???? Why Study Physics?? Because Einstein says so????
Benefits of Studying Physics Cognitive/ Problem Solving Skills Research & Employment Opportunities
Industries you can work in Research NASA National Labs – LLNL, JPL, NIST, NREL, Universities Private companies Teaching College High School Programming and Game Design Wall Street Medicine
Employment FACTS In the USA, the employment rate six months after graduation for physics degree recipients is currently at 98%. find employment in industry, earning an annual starting salary in the range of $35,000 to $50,000 (1999 & 2000).
Career Branches in Physics Astrophysics Material Science/ Solid State Physics Medical Physics Nuclear Physics Theoretical/ Experimental Physics/ Computational Physics High Energy Physics Applied Physics/Optics/ Nanotechnology Biophysics Engineering
College Opportunities for Physics Students A guaranteed free-ride: scholarships, grants Opportunities to intern at the top labs in the US and around the world The vast majority of physics degree recipients at all degree levels work in science or engineering.