Social Studies Wednesday January 13, 2015 WARM UP—Channel One News: 3 notes DLGQ— 1.Describe trench warfare during World War I. Agenda— 1.Channel One 2.5 th /6 th —Map: Europe, WWI 3.3 rd /4 th —Notes: Life in the Trenches 4.Video Clips— 5.Animated History—Trench Warfare 6.Journal Entry
World War I The United States tried to stay out of the European conflict. In 1914, when the war began, the US declared neutrality, meaning it would help neither side. President Woodrow Wilson urged Americans to stay neutral. However, as the war went on, many Americans began to favor the Allied cause. Americans sympathized with Britain and France, which had democratic governments like the US. Germany was a monarchy.
Life in the Trenches During WWI, trench warfare was the favored tactic. In this way of fighting, each side dug miles of long ditches. Soldiers stayed in the trenches to protect themselves from gunfire.
Life in the Trenches The main WWI battle line was called the Western Front that stretched 450 miles of trenches across Europe. Armies stayed in the Western Front trenches for months at a time.
Life in the Trenches Trenches were cramped full of mud, rats, lice, disease, and rotting corpses. The area between the trenches of each army was called “No Man’s Land.” This area was full of obstacles like barbed wire and land mines.
Social Studies Pictures on—Trench Warfare Video Clip on Discovery—Land of the Trench Animated History—Trench Warfare Video Clip on You Tube—Frightful First World War Writing Assignment—WWI Soldier’s Life: Imagine you are a soldier in the first world war. Compose a journal detailing your experience in the war. Each journal entry should have a fake date and be at least one paragraph long (5-7 sentences). This will be an ongoing assignment. We will be doing several “WWI Soldier’s Life” journal entries. 1 st Entry is DUE tomorrow, Wednesday January 14 th