+ Constitutional Amendments
+ Welcome C&E Students Find your seat and settle in Take out your Bill of Rights G.O. and review it. Be prepared to answer the roll-call question: “ “Would you rather be able to fly, be invisible or be able to breath under water?” Bell work:
+ Bellwork Answers
+ Let’s Get Our Bill of Rights On! As you watch the BofR video, use your handout to match the correct amendment to its appropriate description.
+ So what are your rights?
+ Do You Know Your Rights? You will be split into groups You will be given an envelope with various scenarios that demonstrate a right (from the Bill of Rights) being violated You will determine what right is being violated on the blank slips of paper. First group to finish and with all answers correct will receive a homework pass.
+ I. Extending the Bill of Rights A. Amendments were passed after the Constitution was adopted. B. Amendments 11 & Eleventh Amendment: Places limits on suits against other states. 2. Twelfth Amendment: Revises the procedure for electing the president and vice president.
+ II. Civil War Amendments A. 3 Amendments were passed after the Civil War to extend the civil liberties to African Americans. 1. Thirteenth Amendment: Outlawed slavery and any kind of forced labor a. While it freed the slaves it didn’t guarantee them full rights b. Many Southern States passed “Black Laws” that excluded African Americans from jobs, limited property rights among other things
+ 2. Fourteenth Amendment: Most important Amendment a. Defined citizenship - All citizens must have equal protection under the law 3. Fifteenth Amendment: (1870) African Americans granted suffrage – right to vote
+ III. Progressive Era Amendments A. Sixteenth Amendment: Gives Congress the power to levy an income tax B. Seventeenth Amendment: Enables voters to elect senators directly C. Eighteenth Amendment: Prohibits making alcohol or selling alcoholic beverages (prohibition) D. Nineteenth Amendment: Gives women the right to vote
+ IV. Later Amendments A. Twentieth Amendment: Changes the dates of congressional and presidential terms B. Twenty-first Amendment: Repeals Prohibition (#18) C. Twenty-Second Amendment: Limits President to two terms in office D. Twenty-Third Amendment: (1961) Gives Residents of D.C. the right to vote
+ E. Twenty-Fourth Amendment: (1964) eliminates the poll tax – they required voters to pay a sum of money before casting their ballot. 1. B/c many African Americans could not afford the tax, they could not vote. F. Twenty-Fifth Amendment: (1967) Establishes procedures for succession of the president
+ G. Twenty-Sixth Amendment: Sets voting age at 18 years H. Twenty-Seventh Amendment: Delays congressional pay raises until the term following their passage
+ Carousel Activity – Amendments and Supreme Court Cases You and your 2 teammates will each become experts on one portion of the 27 Amendments and the Supreme Court Cases that correspond to them. You should each decide which group you would like to learn more about. Once you have decided you will split up and search around the room for information pertaining to your amendment(s) and cases. When you have completed your portion of the graphic organizer, you must return to your original group and teach your teammates about your amendment(s) and cases. You will learn about the others from your teammates
+ Bill of Rights Finger Trick