Brain Death and Organ Donation Jessica Hammond, RN, BSN, SRNA
Topics for Discussion History of the determination of death Assessment and testing of the potential brain dead patient Medical management of the brain dead organ donor Organ procurement surgery Anesthesia management for organ procurement surgery Organ procurement as portrayed by the media
Determining Death- The Historical Perspective
American Academy of Neurology Practice Parameter of 1995
So what is the process of determining brain death?
Clinical Evaluation: Prerequisites Establish irreversible and proximate cause of coma Achieve normal core temperature Achieve normal systolic blood pressure Perform one neurologic examination
Clinical Evaluation: Neurologic Assessment
Clinical Evaluation: Apnea Test
Confirmatory Testing: Nuclear Brain Scanning
Confirmatory Testing: Angiography
Confirmatory Testing: Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography
Confirmatory Testing: Electroencephalography (EEG)
Certification of Death The medical record must indicate: etiology and irreversibility of coma / unresponsiveness absence of motor response to pain absence of brainstem reflexes during two separate examinations separated by at least 6 hours absence of respiration with pCO2 ≥ 60 mm hg justification for, and result of, confirmatory tests if used
AAN Practice Parameter 2010 Update
Medical Management of the Brain Dead Donor
Physiologic Changes Following Brain Death
Shift in Care
Goals of Donor Management
Timing and Coordination
Surgical Procedure- Organ Procurement
Surgery for Organ Procurement: Current Anesthesia Recommendations
Do volatile anesthetics have a place in procurement surgeries??
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome. Isaac Asimov