Brianna Alarcon May/5/2012 Science 5 th
Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease in the colon (large intestine). It causes cramping, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating/gas. This does not cause permanent damage to your colon. Fortunately this is not a seriously dangerous disease.
This disease is usually caused by DIET. Your diet is everything, your diet effects everything from weight to mental problems and energy so if it your diet is very terrible then it would more than likely effect your colon. This is also caused by stress. Stress is like weights sitting on the body. Think of it this way if you are doing a tough task it would be harder with weights on your shoulders. But this is the worst stress is mental weights. Its all about the LIFESTYLE!
What happens to the system? Like I said in the 2 nd slide its not a terribly dangerous disease. Although you do get cramping, abdominal pain, gas/bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
Does the body try to cure itself? No the body does not. Other than diarrhea (which is the body not absorbing the liquids in small intestine) In this disease you would need to either change your diet or see a doctor, the disease won’t just go away.
There is no cure for Irritable bowel syndrome but there is treatment. You can take AMPFLORACEL. But there is no over the counter treatment.