TeleForm in The PREVENT Trial Participants were Taking Antidepressants Had had 3 or more previous episodes of depression Currently well They were randomised to either Take part in an MBCT class and consider coming off their antidepressants OR Continue taking their antidepressants
Participants were followed-up over two years at 6 different times There were 26 different CRFs, some interview administered other self-report questionnaires In total 2,698 data points for each participant In total 1,143,952 items of data How much data?
Drastically reduce the time to enter data Inbuilt data verification tools No out of range scores allowed Custom verifications – age of participant Data required – trial id Format dates correctly Can handle many different sorts of data Likert Scales Thermometer Scales Block capital text boxes Free form text boxes Screen shot from scanned image of CRF TeleForm
Design the form Scan CRF Verify data TeleForm was unsure of Export Verified Data Excel SPSS Access SQL Database Text File …… Stages of TeleForm
The second most important aspect of TeleForm Reads Data 100% sure its read the data correctly – Sends data for export Not 100% sure its read the data correctly – Asks user to verify Verification
TeleForm is not 100% sure ‘No’ is ticked So the User is asked to confirm User confirms with ‘Tab’ key.
With Tick Boxes TeleForm measures the percentage of ink in a box If less than 15% TeleForm will confidently report no tick If more than 25% TeleForm will confidently report a tick If between 16% and 24% TeleForm will ask user for verification At design stage all of these variables can be changed to suit your CRF Why not sure?
Only one value allowed Item crossed out
Always verify Block Capital Text Can choose values from a database to correspond
Free Form Text
Once all items are verified the user will be asked if data should be exported Export
Setting the form up well leads to fewer verifications and crucially fewer potential errors TEST, TEST and TEST again The following can influence success of form Physical size of tick boxes Paper printed on Colours used Export CRF as a whole or as individual questionnaire Constraining allowed data Checking that the form is user friendly Once form is finalised you can’t change the key elements – Training is Crucial Form Design