Signs, Symbols and Serpents
Graydon F. Snyder, ANTE PACEM. Archaeological Evidence of Church Life before Constantine (Macon: Mercer University Press, 2003).
Early Christian images Lamb Vase Boat Orante Bread Fish Anchor Dove Olive branch Palm Good Shepherd Vine and grapes
Some References Robin Jensen, Understanding Christian Art (London and New York: Routledge 2000) Tertullian, 2 nd - 3 rd century, Latin Epistle of Barnabas (among the Apostolic Fathers – ET in Pelican, Early Christian Writings) Cyprian, later 3 rd century, Latin Justin Martyr, I Apology, mid-2 nd century, Rome but writing in Greek Minucius Felix, 2 nd - 3 rd century apologist, Latin Ephrem Syrus, Syriac poet, 4 th century
John 10.15, I Cor. 5.7, John Lactantius, 3 rd – 4 th century, Latin Abraham and Isaac – in Epistle of Barnabas, Melito’s Peri Pascha, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement and Origen, Ambrose, Ephrem, John Chrysostom, Paulinus of Nola, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodoret and Augustine (Jensen’s list) Moses against Amalek (Exodus ) – Epistle of Barnabas 12, Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 90.
More References Numbers & John 3.14 Epistle of Barnabas 12 Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 91 Irenaeus, Against Heresies IV.2 Tertullian, Against Marcion II.22 – Against Heresies II
Gregory Nazianzus, Oration Basil of Caesarea, On the Holy Spirit 31 –Letters Theodoret, Eranistes III Ambrose, On Duties III.15.94
Gnosticism Plērōma Sophia Bythos Gnōsis Achamōth Demiurge Sōma - sēma
Serpents and Wisdom Asclepius The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead Naas Ophis Naasenes or Ophites Ben Sira = Ecclesiasticus Philo Epistle of Diognetus
Christ as Wisdom I Corinthians 1.24 Colossians Cf. Proverbs John 3.14 Cf. Numbers
References I Corinthians chapters 1-2; cf. Isaiah Job 28 Ezekiel 28 Philippians F. C. Burkitt, Church and Gnosis (CUP 1932, pbk 2011) Hybris, nemesis Romans 7.19, 5.14ff, I Cor.1.18ff, 2.8.