How can school performance be improved?
Relationship between learning outcomes and enrollment Crouch and Vinjevold, 2006
Access to secondary education: secondary gross enrollment ratios, Crouch & Vinjevold, 2006
What good schools do REGULATORY FUNCTION: Orderly environment Intellectual activity valued Sense of responsibility INSTRUCTIONAL FUNCTION: Proficiency in LOI Reading & writing Proficiency in specific discipline: Maths, History, Literature
SA High Schools FormerOther Prop of total HG M SC 2004 Top380347%66% Mod %19% Poor %15%
SACMEQ mean maths score by quintile vd Berg & Louw, 2006 Quintile12345Total Botswana Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zanzibar Total Non-SA
Top Performing Schools What do they need? – Where African numbers are small: Incentives to increase African roll – Where African numbers are large: Subsidies for poor children All: –Increase level of cognitive demand of curriculum
Moderately Performing Schools: What makes the Difference? FactorsHomeDistrictSchoolClass Language Speak LOI **Policy Develop proficiency Time Sign h/w **MonitorRegulate**Micro-pace** Coverage Assist with h/w * Monitor* Plan, monitor ** Macro- pace **** Reading & Writing Read* Distribute books Manage books *** Read & write * Assessmt Monitor results QAMonitor QA, monitor * Assess, feedback **
Key lever 1: Time on Task Chisholm et al, 2005 Teachers work an average 41 hours (out of 43)/week 41% of this on teaching: 3.4h/day 14% devoted to planning and preparation, 14% on assessment, evaluation, reports and record-keeping
Key lever 2: Curriculum Coverage 3: ¾ or more ASs completed during year 2: Between ½ and ¾ of ASs completed 1: Between ¼ and ½ 0: Less than ¼ covered
Key lever 3: Teacher Knowledge Grade 3 teachers wrote parts of the Grade 6 learner test: Grade 3 teachers wrote parts of the Grade 6 learner test: Literacy: 55% Numeracy: 65%
SA High Schools FormerOther Prop of total HG M SC 2004 Top380347%66% Mod %19% Poor %15%
524 QLP schools > Control PassExp E HG M HG M SG Rate
Poorly performing schools Start with Time Management Part of institutional culture Leadership Organisational development ≠ training ≠ training BUT provinces & districts too weak
Differentiated approach Schools with Threshold Capacity Dysfunctional Schools Eg Dinaledi II Training Resources Incentives Organisational development State authority But weak state Top performing schools Raise level of cognitive demand
Why is our civil service so inefficient? They went to poorly performing schools Structural instability Ideology: threw out authority with authoritarianism Unions better organised Lack of focus, eg matric exams