HORIZONT 1 TWS/Audit The Audit System for TWS z/OS HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / Change History
HORIZONT 2 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit Change History TWS /Audit 5.0 TWS /Audit 4.1 TWS /Audit 4.0 TWS /Audit 5.1 TWS /Audit 6.1 / 6.0 TWS /Audit 6.2 TWS /Audit 6.3 TWS /Audit 6.4 TWS /Audit 7.0 TWS /Audit 7.1 TWS /Audit 7.2 TWS /Audit 7.3
HORIZONT 3 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.3 TWS/Audit 7.3 has following new functions: Support of TWS for z/OS 9.1, including Runcycle Groups (Load module names end with F) Support of TWS for z/OS 9.2 (Load module names end with G) Shows date and time format behind the input fields New summary statistics in the batch report
HORIZONT 4 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.3, summary statistics Job ’hlq.TWSAUDIT.V7R3M0.CNTL(OPAJGDB)’ has a new parameter: SUMMARY=NO/YES/ONLY YES/ONLY gives you in the PROTOKOL file statistics like: ======================================================== | SUMMARY REPORT | |======================================================| |Type |Insert |Delete |Update |Browse | | | |Workstations | 157| 137| 123| 0| |Calendars | 30| 27| 24| 0| |Periods | 102| 91| 48| 0| |Applications | 300| 254| 345| 0| |Operator Instructions | 30| 27| 6| 0| |Special Resources | 54| 47| 139| 0| |ETT Criteria | 24| 21| 12| 0| |JCL Variable Tables | 66| 59| 109| 0| |JS Changes | 1| 0| 0| 0| |LTP Changes | 0| 0| 1| 1| |Run cycle Groups | 19| 16| 7| 0| | | |Total | 783| 679| 814| 1| |======================================================| It is based on your selection criteria e.g. one day/week/month etc.
HORIZONT 5 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.2 TWS/Audit 7.2 has following new functions: Support of TWS for z/OS 9.1, without Runcycle Groups (Load module names end with F)
HORIZONT 6 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1 TWS/Audit 7.1 has following new functions: TWS/Audit database options: - There is a new “ALL” Command to run the Restore line command for multiple TWS records (Restore by TWS/BatchAD) CP Audit report: - Workstation name can be used as selection criteria to find workstation updates like changing the number of parallel server etc. - Date and time format check in the selection panel MCP Audit: - Display the TWS update record of the manual CP modifications - Batch report for MCP (See extra presentation “TWSAudit - MCP.ppt”)
HORIZONT 7 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1, ALL Command Maybe you deleted e.g. some Special Resource definitions and you want to restore it. Line command R generates a Job to restore one of it Command All R generates a Job to restore all of the list That works for all database objects (AD, WS, ETT etc.)
HORIZONT 8 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1, WS change in CP Maybe you need to know, if the open intervals of a WS in the CP has been changed
HORIZONT 9 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1, WS change in CP Yes, see the update timestamp and the WS intervals following
HORIZONT 10 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1, MCP Change Data Line command T shows you the update record sent to TWS…
HORIZONT 11 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.1, MCP Change Data … and you can see the TWS CP data and in case of JCL modifications also the new JCL data which was written to TWS
HORIZONT 12 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 7.0 TWS/Audit 7.0 has following new functions: Auditing of manual CP modifications (MCP dialog) with the option to add own comments, reason code and other order data. See extra presentation “TWSAudit - MCP.ppt” Unification of some TWS/Audit field names in audit reports with names of TWS for z/OS
HORIZONT 13 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 6.4 TWS/Audit 6.4 has following new functions: Support of TWS for z/OS 8.6 (Load module names end with E) Support of operation User Fields also in CP (new in TWS for z/OS with APAR PM14386) ISPF dialog supports max. screen resolution 120x160
HORIZONT 14 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 6.3 TWS/Audit 6.3 has following new functions: New selection criteria: Owner Text (database, application) Support of operation User Fields. (new in TWS for z/OS with APAR PM14386)
HORIZONT 15 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 6.2 TWS/Audit 6.2 has following new functions: The new selection criteria fields of the application common data like “Owner, Owner Description, Authority Group” are added for modules OPAIGDD and for batch module OPAIGDB, as well. The LRECL for DD GDBPRTO was changed from 80 to 160. The ISPF dialog supports now screen resolution 62x160. Horizontal scrolling is implemented in result lists that require more than 80 bytes. Previously missing substring fields for JCL Variable Tables were added. The memory management in the CP-Audit program was improved to handle larger Current Plans. Performance was improved by using better VSAM BUFFERSPACE values.
HORIZONT 16 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 6.1 / 6.0 TWS/Audit 6.1 has following new functions: TWS/Audit Version 6.1 supports TWS for z/OS (Load module names end with D) TWS/Audit Version 6.0 supports TWS for z/OS (Load module names end with C) and supports Virtual WS (APAR PK46296) Migrating to a new TWS release no longer requires a conversion of the data base VSAM cluster. Data is converted “on the fly”. (The only needed change is to adapt jobs and dialog parameter member OPAXA) The generated sample jobs work on JES3 systems Parameter BR=Y/N was added to program OPAICPJ to support changes introduced with APAR PK27049
HORIZONT 17 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 5.1 TWS/Audit 5.1 has following new functions: TWS/Audit Version 5.1 is compatible to TWS for z/OS V8R3 (Load module names end with B) “R”-Line command for TWS/BatchAD Generator allows selecting the “previous version” if the record was updated. The Options Panel allows specifying a row limit for the dialog.
HORIZONT 18 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 5.0 TWS/Audit 5.0 has following new functions: Tracks the JS file (JCL) Tracks the LTP (Long Term Plan) Generates TWS/BatchAD statements. - If a user has TWS/BatchAD, he can restore now all definitions, e.g. applications, resource definitions, ett, calendars etc. (Batchloader supports only application description)
HORIZONT 19 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 5.0 Sample job OPAJSPLT is much faster CP-Audit program OPAICP needs fewer resources (CPU, REGION, and EXCP) Compatible to TWS for z/OS V8R2 with “WLM SE Integration PTF Dialog shows date for last processed tracklog record Dialog allocates VSAM file JTWK only when it is really needed Job OPAJUPD is needed to use existing VSAM from older releases
HORIZONT 20 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 5.0 JS Changes LTP Changes
HORIZONT 21 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit JS Changes Selection Criteria
HORIZONT 22 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit JS Changes Applications with changed JCL
HORIZONT 23 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit JS Changes The JCL
HORIZONT 24 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit LTP Changes Let's assume that a loop was caused by a modification made to the LTP. Let‘s see what was inserted into the LTP yesterday
HORIZONT 25 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit LTP Changes Inserted applications
HORIZONT 26 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit LTP Changes Application was added manually (ISPF dialogue)
HORIZONT 27 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit Support for TWS 8.2 Supports multiple planning periods within one tracklog file (e.g. one extend, one replan, another replan etc.) Improved CP dialog TWS/Audit got following additional functions:
HORIZONT 28 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit 4.0 Occurrences Operations Dependencies Special Resources TWS/Audit 4.0 tracks all changes made to the CP for following objects
Why not using EQQAUDIT?
HORIZONT 30 TWS/Audit EQQAUDIT EQQAUDIT: This is an inserted operation EQQAUDIT is a TWS sample program, which is part of every TWS installation, but: Output is difficult to read Output is incomplete
HORIZONT 31 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit for the CP - Output This operation was added to the current plan TWS/Audit for the CP: Output is easy to read Output is complete
HORIZONT 32 TWS/Audit TWS/Audit for the CP - Advantages JT file is unreadable EQQTROUT is unreadable EQQAUDIT is not complete, it shows only key values TWS/Audit shows all modifications - Readable - Complete TWS writes modifications into the JT file and EQQTROUT. Some facts:
HORIZONT 33 TWS/Audit Many thanks for your attention HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / TWS/Audit The Audit System for TWS z/OS