 Chapter 14.2.  Francis R. Lubbock was elected as Texas’ 1 st Confederate Governor under Confederate president Jefferson Davis.


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Presentation transcript:

 Chapter 14.2

 Francis R. Lubbock was elected as Texas’ 1 st Confederate Governor under Confederate president Jefferson Davis.

 The 11 Confederate states demanded the Union to surrender all military posts.  Union troops refused to leave Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina & fighting broke out on April 12,  This began the Civil War.

 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 that made the Civil War’s goal to free all slaves in Confederate states.

 About 70,000 Texans were Volunteer soldiers for the Confederate Army.  John Bell Hood led “Hood’s Texas Brigade” to fight against the North in Virginia.

 Several Texans became famous for their bravery in the Civil War:  “Terry’s Texas Rangers” commanded by General Benjamin Terry  “Ross’s Brigade” commanded by General Lawrence “Sul” Ross

 Draft: The enlisting of persons for required service in the Army.  The Confederate government started a Draft that increased the Army’s numbers.  However, those drafted did not want to serve.

 Civil War battles in Texas took place in Gulf Coast ports.  Since Texas provided weapons, food & horses for the Confederate Army, Texans fought Northern troops to keep these ports open.

 President Lincoln ordered a blockade of Southern ports to stop the shipment of supplies to the Confederate Army.  Blockade: Action to stop transportation of goods into or out of an area.

 Since Galveston was an important Texas port, the North’s troops took the island.  However, Confederate troops launched an attack and retook the Island until the end of the Civil War.

 The last land battle of the Civil War was fought on May 12-13, 1865, at Palmito Ranch near Brownsville.  Unaware that Confederate General Robert E. Lee had already surrendered, the North’s forces battled the Confederates.  Although Confederates won the battle, they had already lost the Civil War.

 What would Texas be like today if the Confederate Army had won the Civil War?