August 2014 Corporate Member Committee Update to TAC Joaquin H. Castro Space 2014 TAC Meeting 7 August 2014 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA
Corporate Member (Governance) Committee Aerojet Rocketdyne Airbus Americas Altair Engineering ARES Corporation Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Bastion Technologies The Boeing Company Draper Laboratory Dunmore Corporation Dynetics, Inc. GE Honeywell International Jacobs Lockheed Martin Corporation MSC Software National Institute of Aerospace Northrop Grumman Corporation Orbital Sciences Corporation Raytheon Company Rolls-Royce Corporation Sierra Lobo, Inc Stellar Solutions, Inc. SpaceX The Tauri Group United Technologies Corporation 2 Currently at 95 corporate members. One new company: ESI North America in Farming Hills, MI. One company did not renew their membership: TASC of Chantilly, VA.
B2B Program Update So our prime and our small business members can learn about the latest technology opportunities. After companies outline what they are looking for in partnerships, there are one-on-one matchmaking sessions about programs and opportunities. SciTech 2014 Joseph Grant, Space Technology Mission Directorate, SBIR/STTR Program, NASA Headquarters Nafiz Karabudak, Global Technology Manager and SBIR/STTR Technology Lead, Corporate Engineering & Technology, Lockheed Martin Susan Nichols, Program Director, SBIR/STTR Program Manager, DARPA Small Business Programs Office AVIATION 2013 Delores Alexander, Director – Supplier Management Shared Service Group, The Boeing Company Mary Simmerman, Vice President F-35 Supply Chain Management, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company SPACE 2013 Aubrey Lavitoria, Space and Naval Warfare Systems, HQ Raul Alvarado, Jr., Supplier Diversity, The Boeing Company Michael Chang, Supplier Diversity/Program Deputy, Lockheed Martin Corporation 3
B2B Program Update 4
Indian Delegation AIAA signed a collaborative Memorandum of Understanding with the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) on Tuesday, 7 May 2013, at the Westin Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia, in conjuction with the Spring AIAA Board of Directors meetingsAeronautical Society of India (AeSI) The MOU was signed by AIAA Vice President for International Activities Susan Ying and AeSI President G. M. Rao. Also in attendance were AeSI President-Elect V. K. Saraswat and AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus Timeframe: December 2-10, 2104 Venues: South India: Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad- possibility of visiting Defense Research & Development Organization (DRDO/DRDL), National Aeronautics Laboratory, Space Launch site, Jack Welch/GE Research Center, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. We can also consider arranging a trip to Taj Mahal which is located in Northern India for sight seeing. Cost: $6,800 plus airfare to and from India and modest expenses Participation Deadline: If interested, please contact Merrie Scott Participation: participants to date 5
Indian Delegation Bangalore GE John F. Welch Technology Center Altair Engineering ADE (UAV Hanger) GTRE (engine testing) DROMI HAL NAL (wind tunnel and SARAS Hanger) A few small Indian aerospace companies Hyderabad GMR Aerospace Park VEM Tech ASTRA Tata Advanced or MIDHANI or ECIL or BEL RCI (Exhibition hall by Local Labs DMRL, DLRL, ARCI, DRDL, RCI and ASL A few small Indian aerospace companies Chennai Sriharikota Launch Center (and if no launch is planned back up plan is to visit additional aerospace companies or educational institutions Delhi (optional) Taj Mahal 6
ACTION ITEMS Frank Culbertson, as Chair, to send a note to all corporate member representatives encouraging their support of technical committee nominations. (Sanjay) AIAA staff to formally send request to all corporate member representatives with regard to 2016 Forum selection Reevaluation of CMAC’s roles Cybersecurity??? 7