By Sofia Agnoletto & Riccardo Giusino
Physical map
Boundaries North: Czechk Republic, Germany South: Italy, Slovenia East: Slovakia, Hungary West: Switzerland, Liechtenstein
Land The main river is the Danube (350 km) There are also: Enns, Inn, Drava, Mur Brenner Pass connects Austria to Italy The largest Lake is Neusiedler Lake (South of Vienna) On the West there is Lake Constance (Bodensee) which borders Austria, Switzerland and Germany The tallest highest peak is the Grossglockner (3798 m) in the central Tauern Range.
Grossglockner Danube
Brenner Pass Constance Lake (Bodensee)
Climate Austria has a typical Alpine climate: winters are cold with rainfall and snowfall and summers are fresh and wet. The average temperatures are: summers about 20°C and winters about -2°C. In the Austrian Alps blows the Föhn: a warm, dry wind.
Population The population is about
Cities The most important cities are: Vienna (the capital - 1,5 million inhabitants) Graz Salzburg Innsbruck Linz
Graz - Schlossberg Vienna - Belvedere Castle Linz – Main Square Innsbruck - Goldenes Dachl Salzburg
History Austria was once at the centre of a great empire (Habsburg Monarchy) and one of the great powers of Europe. After the 1 st World War, Austria became an independent republic. During the 2 nd World War, Austria was occupied by the Nazis; after the war Austria became a Federal Republic and was admitted to the United Nations in In 1995 also Austria was joined the EU. Today Austria is a Federal Republic consisting of nine democratic states, known as Bundesländer.
Federal Republic - 9 Bundesländer
Economy Primary Sector : Austria is mainly mountainously, so only half of his territory is suitable for farming or pasture that provides dairy products (milk, butter and cheese). The major grain crops are corn, barley, wheat, potatoes and sugar beets. In the eastern part grow fruits trees and vineyards. Secondary Sector: Austria must import more than 80% of its oil and natural gas. Oil is brougth by pipeline from Trieste, natural gas is imported from Russia by pipeline. Electricity is produced from Alpine rivers and from Danube river by hydroelectric power stations. Production of metallic minerals is significant with mines of zinc, magnetite and iron. Tertiary Sector: Tourism also contributes much to the Austrian economy. The main attractions are the alpine scenery and the skiing resorts, as well as galleries, concert halls and museums. The monetary unit is Euro.
Culture Austrian folk culture is rich in music, dance and art Typical food: Wiener Schnitzel, Sacher Torte, Strudel and sweets Music: Austria had several great composers -Mozart, Strauss, Schubert. Walzer is an Austrian folkloric dance. The New Year’s concert in Vienna is a traditional event.
Austrian Food Strudel Wiener Schnitzel Sacher Torte Mozart Kugeln
Famous Austrian People Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Musician Elisabeth - Sissi Princess Franz Joseph Emperor of Austria Maria Teresa Empress
Famous Austrian People Sigmund Freud 1° psychotherapist Stefan Zweig Writer Johan Strauss Composer Gustav Klimt Painter