Learning Goals The students will have an understanding of the Cattle Trails and Railroads that were built in the Indian Territory.
Cattle Trails and Railroads After their removal to Indian Territory the Five Civilized Tribes raised livestock. The war virtually wiped out the herds that had grazed territorial pasture lands, along with the prosperity of cattlemen. The Indian ranchers did not have the funds to rebuild their herds. In Texas however the range cattle industry was booming. Large herds were raised on Texas grass, then driven north to markets in Missouri and Kansas. The first major cattle drive rumbled up the East Shawnee Trail in 1866 across eastern Indian Territory.
The Chisholm Trial The most famous of all trials through Indian Territory was the Chisholm Trail. It entered the Territory on the south at the Red River Crossing and ran roughly adjacent to the 98 th Parallel until it crossed into Kansas as Caldwell. The Chisholm Trail solved the geographical problems of forests and mountains encountered on the East Shawnee Trail. The first cattle drive up the Chisholm Trial took place in 1867.
The Western Trail The Western Trail or Dodge City Trail entered Indian Territory at Doan's Crossing on the Red River. It crossed into Kansas northeast of Laverne.
Cattle Trails Other cattle trails cut through Indian Territory but by 1885 all the surrounding states had passed quarantine laws against Texas cattle. The trails in those states became quiet.
Railroads While the cattle industry was growing in the west, railroads were vying for right of way agreements elsewhere. The Reconstruction Treaties provided for a North-South line and an east- west line through the Territory. The Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad familiarly known as the Katy won the right to complete a line across the Territory from Kansas to Texas. The MK&T was the first of three competing companies to arrive at a specified destination in a railroad building contest.
Chapter 11 Quiz 1.) What railroad won the right to have a line from Kansas to Texas? a.) Union Pacific railroad b.) Central Pacific railroad c.) The Katy Railroad 2.) Where did the Western trail enter Indian Territory? a.) At Medicine Lodge b.) At Dodge City c.) At the Red River 3.) What was the most famous trail to go through Indian Territory? a.) The Dodge City trail b.) The Chisholm Trail c.) The Western Trail 4.) What were these trails used mostly for? a.) Cattle drives b.) Gold seekers trying to get west c.) The removal of the Indians 5.) Why were the trails built? a.) For easier passage to and from Mexico b.) For easier passage from Indian territory to Union territory to the North c.) For easier passage to and from Texas 6.) In what state was the cattle business doing the best? a.) Oklahoma b.) Kansas c.) Texas 7.) What does the MK&T railroad stand for? a.) The Mountains of Kansas and Texas railroad b.) The Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad c.) The Mississippi, Kansas and Texas railroad 8.) In what direction did the Katy railroad run? a.) From North to South b.) From East to West c.) It went North and then Turned West 9.) What had the Civil War done to the herds in Indian territory? a.) The herds increased because the U.S. Government had placed extra cattle in the territory during the war to supply its troops b.) There were no cattle in the territory because the Indians refused to raise livestock prior to the war c.) It virtually eliminated the herds in the Indian territory 10.) What major problem did the Chisholm trail solve? a.) It provided passage from the Eastern part of the United States to the Western b.) It provided passage from the Northern Mexico plains into Indian territory c.) It provide a solution to the geographical problems encountered on the East Shawnee trail.
Chapter 11 Quiz 1.) What railroad won the right to have a line from Kansas to Texas? 2.) Name the four trails that went through Indian Territory? 3.) What was the most famous trail to go through Indian Territory? 4.) Why were the trails built? a.) For easier passage to and from the Indian Territory to transport buffalo herds b.) For easier passage from Indian territory to Union territory to the North to transport soldiers during the Civil War c.) For easier passage to and from Texas to Northern States to transport cattle 5.) Name two things that happened to the trails that led to them not being used anymore? 6.) In what state was the cattle business doing the best? a.) Oklahoma b.) Kansas c.) Texas 7.) What does the MK&T railroad stand for? 8.) What was the MK&T railroad also known as? 9.) What had the Civil War done to the herds in Indian territory? 10.) What major problem did the Chisholm trail solve? a.) It provided passage from the Eastern part of the United States to the Western b.) It provided passage from the Northern Mexico plains into Indian territory c.) It provide a solution to the geographical problems encountered on the East Shawnee trail.