Northview Wildcats Football Good Decisions Make Great Plays Dan Burns Northview Wildcats Football 2007 Quarterback Manual
Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort Northview Quarterback Manual P.R.I.D.E. Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort The Quarterback by the very nature of the position is a leader. It is hard to lead others when you do not outwork them, show them the path of success that you are presently walking. By maintaining a great attitude and giving maximum effort, you can encourage your teammates to do the same.
Can you handle playing Quarterback at Northview HS? If you want to be the quarterback at Northview HS, You should be aware of several things. 1st: You embody everything the program is trying to achieve. You are the poster boy for the football program. 2nd: Your conduct in school, within our community, on the practice field, and in our locker room will be judged much closer than any other position. 3rd: You must be prepared to work harder than any other player in the program. 4th: You must be willing to put your team first. 5th: You must learn the entire offense, and take on the responsibility of teaching it to others. 6th: You will receive more credit than you deserve when we win, and more blame than you deserve when we lose.
Where The Defensive Line will lineup 5 4 4I 3 2 1 1 2 3 4I 4 5 7 8 9 9-Technique=outside shade of Tight end 8-Technique=head up on Tight end 7-Technique=inside shade of Tight end 5-Technique = outside shade of Offensive Tackle 4-Technique = head up on offensive tackle 4I-Technique = inside shade of Offensive Tackle 3-Technique = outside shade of Offensive Guard 2-Technique = head up on Offensive Guard 1-Technique = inside shade of Offensive Guard 0-Technique = head up on Center Shade = shaded to one side of the Center
Defensive Gap Designation C B A A B C Typically, Defenses will put one man in charge of a single gap. That is called a gap-control defense. Learning this concept, will enable us to understand which defender is in charge of each gap.
Different Defensive Fronts: The 4-3 & 6-1 Defense F S C A B B C E T T E 4-3 Defense This defense is normally characterized by 2-techniques or a 1-technique to one side & a 3-technique to the other. We want to trap & run mid-line option to the 3-technique & run inside veer to the 1-technique. Play action passes should be effective, because Safeties will drop down to play run support. F S C C B A E T T E B 6-1 Defense This defense is normally characterized by 1-techniques. The idea is to allow the inside “B” to roam free to the ball. Load schemes should be good plays. Also play action passing will catch the F or S coming up fast on run support.
Different Defensive Fronts: The 4-4 & 6-2 Defense F C C A B B S E T T E 4-4 Defense This defense is normally characterized by 2-techniques or a 1-technique to one side & a 3-technique to the other. We want to trap & run mid-line option to the 3-technique & run inside veer to the 1-technique. The Es also will normally play a 7-technique on TEs. This will allow us to hook the end with our TE, or using a TED block. F C C B B A E T T E S 6-2 Defense This defense is normally characterized by 1-techniques. Also, the Es may slant hard to the inside or play hard up field. This defense will initially give up inside veer. Then, when they adjust their Es, the defense will give up Loads or other outside plays. 2-routes should also be very effective.
Different Defensive Fronts: The 5-2 & 5-3 Defense F S C B B C E T N T E 5-2 Defense This defense is characterized by a 0-technique. The Ts will play 4s or 4Is. The problem this defense gives us is who the handoff & pitch key are. Inside Veer is a good play regardless of who we read. If we can get to the third option on inside veer, this defense is beaten for big gains. They may slant their Ts & Es to the inside gap, forcing the QB to make a quick read. This may bring about a quick pitch. F C C B B B E T N T E 5-3 Defense This defense employs a 0-technique. The outside Bs are manned up on the slots. The Ts and Es will most likely slant to the inside. The N & inside B may pick a single A-gap to occupy and expect blitz. We will attack this defense with many different formations, forcing run defenders to defend the pass, and pass defenders to defend the run.
12-13 QB Reads Explained 12-13 is our base triple option play, the QB has three options: 1) Give the ball to the Fullback 2) Keep the ball 3) Pitch the ball to the slot back. There are 2 defensive players the QB must identify to ensure he makes the correct decision. The first defender the QB must identify is the Hand Off Key (player we keep our eyes on to determine whether we will give the ball to the fullback or keep the ball). The rule for identifying the Hand Off Key is: 1st man on or outside of the Offensive Tackle. The rule for reading the Hand Off Key is: If the Handoff Key cannot tackle the fullback, give the ball. The next defender that the QB must identify is the Pitch Key (the next player that shows unblocked). QB must attack the OUTSIDE SHOULDER of the pitch key. The rule for reading the Pitch Key is: Pitch the ball unless the Pitch Key can tackle the pitch back.
12-13 QB Reads Versus 4-4 & 6-2 Defense F C C A B B S E T T E F C C B When both Ts are in a 2-technique the side does not matter (want to run at 1-tech) E is handoff key (1st man on or outside OT) S is pitch key F C C B B A E T T E S 6-2 Defense Handoff key & Pitch key line up on LOS. We should make a smoke call. Understand that this defense is designed to force you to make quick decisions – so prepare yourself mentally for the possibility of coming off the mesh and pitch the ball quickly.
12-13 QB Reads Versus 4-3 & 6-1 Defense F S C A B B C E T T E F S C C They may blitz outside LB in the B-gap. That does not change the play. The OT will block him. We do not consider that blitzing LB the handoff key – he will be blocked. F S C C B A E T T E B 6-1 Defense Handoff key & Pitch key line up on LOS. We should make a smoke call. Understand that this defense is designed to force you to make quick decisions – so prepare yourself mentally for the possibility of coming off the mesh and pitch the ball quickly.
12-13 QB Reads Versus 5-2 & 5-3 Defense F S C B B C E T N T E F C C B REMEMBER: Handoff key is 1st man on or outside of OT. F C C B B B E T N T E 5-3 Defense Be ready to pull & pitch in a hurry.
20-21 QB Reads Explained 20/21 is our base double option play, the QB has two options: 1) Give the ball to the Fullback 2) Keep the ball. There is 1 defensive player the QB must identify to ensure he makes the correct decision. The defender the QB must identify is the Hand Off Key (player we keep our eyes on to determine whether we will give the ball to the fullback or keep the ball). The rule for identifying the Hand Off Key for this play is: 1st man on or outside of the Offensive Guard. The rule for reading the Hand Off Key is: If the Handoff Key cannot tackle the fullback, give the ball. If the Hand Off Key lines up inside of the offensive guard, then there is no option, it is an automatic keep.
20-21 QB Reads Versus 4-4 & 6-2 Defense F C C A B B S E T T E F C C B When both Ts are in a 2-technique the side does not matter (want to run at 3-tech side). T is unblocked handoff key. Double option (give if the T doesn’t close & keep if the T closes). We will keep about 80% of the time. F C C B B A E T T E S 6-2 Defense When both Ts are in a 2-technique the side does not matter (want to run at 3-tech side). T is unblocked handoff key. If Ts are in a 1-technique, they will be blocked by the play side G and it will be an automatic pull-read)
20-21 QB Reads Versus 4-3 & 6-1 Defense F S C A B B C E T T E F S C C When both Ts are in a 2-technique the side does not matter (want to run at 3-tech side). T is unblocked handoff key. Double option (give if the T doesn’t close & keep if the T closes). We will keep about 80% of the time. F S C C B A E T T E B 6-1 Defense When both Ts are in a 2-technique the side does not matter (want to run at 3-tech side). T is unblocked handoff key. If Ts are in a 1-technique, they will be blocked by the play side G and it will be an automatic pull-read)
20-21 QB Reads Versus 5-2 & 5-3 Defense F S C B B C E T N T E F C C B The T is our read. We double the N with play side OG and block out on play side E. We want to run this when they are crashing the Tackle & end. F C C B B B E T N T E 5-3 Defense The T is our read. We double the N with play side OG and block out on play side E. We want to run this when they are crashing the Tackle & end.
18-19 QB Reads Explained 18/19 is a basic double option play, the QB has two options: 1) Keep the ball 2) Pitch the ball. There is 1 defensive player the QB must identify to ensure he makes the correct decision. The defender the QB must identify is the Pitch Key (player we keep our eyes on to determine whether we will keep the ball or pitch the ball to the Pitch Back). The rule for identifying the Pitch Key for this play is: EMOL, End Man On Line of Scrimmage. The rule for reading the Pitch Key is the same as reading the Pitch Key for the play 12/13: If the Pitch Key cannot tackle the Pitch Back, Pitch the ball.
18-19 QB Reads Versus 4-4 & 6-2 Defense F C C A B B S E T T E F C C B Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. F C C B B A E T T E S 6-2 Defense Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. Good play against this front.
18-19 QB Reads Versus 4-3 & 6-1 Defense F S C A B B C E T T E F S C C Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. F S C C B A E T T E B 6-1 Defense Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. Good play against this front.
18-19 QB Reads Versus 5-2 & 5-3 Defense F S C B B C E T N T E F C C B Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. F C C B B B E T N T E 5-3 Defense Pitch key is EMOL. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside shoulder of pitch key. Don’t just duck under the pitch key, stretch him if he’s soft. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter.
18-19 QB Reads Explained 38/39 is another double option play, the QB has two options: 1) Keep the ball 2) Pitch the ball. There is 1 defensive player the QB must identify to ensure he makes the correct decision. The defender the QB must identify is the Pitch Key (player we keep our eyes on to determine whether we will keep the ball or pitch the ball to the Pitch Back). The rule for identifying the Pitch Key for this play is: We block EMOL, the next player to show is the Pitch Key. The rule for reading the Pitch Key is the same as reading the Pitch Key for the play 12/13: If the Pitch Key cannot tackle the Pitch Back, Pitch the ball.
38-39 Load QB Reads Versus 4-4 & 6-2 Defense F C C A B B S E T T E F C EMOL is blocked by the OT. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside Shoulder of pitch key. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. Take the play to the pitch key. F C C B B A E T T E S 6-2 Defense This play is the same as Lead vs. this front.
38-39 Load QB Reads Versus 4-3 & 6-1 Defense F S C A B B C E T T E F S EMOL is blocked by the OT. Steps are the same as inside veer. Attack outside Shoulder of pitch key. The idea of this play is to get the ball on the perimeter. Take the play to the pitch key. F S C C B A E T T E B 6-1 Defense This play is the same as Lead vs. this front.
38-39 Load QB Reads Versus 5-2 & 5-3 Defense F S C B B C E T N T E F C If they reduce the front, like the left side illustrates, we will block EMOL. If front isn’t reduced, we pitch off EMOL. F C C B B B E T N T E 5-3 Defense This play is the same as Lead vs. this front.
Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Action 12 Seam Right Playaction QB Reads Versus 2-Safety Looks F S C B B C E T N T E 2-Safety Look SEAM PASS: QB will fake 12/13, eyes on play side safety. One-step drop off the mesh fake. Throw seam unless safety gets depth off of your fake and moves into the window, then throw short dig route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Action 12 Seam Right
Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 House Right Playaction QB Reads Versus 2-Safety Looks F S C C B B E T N T E 2-Safety Look HOUSE PASS: QB will fake 18/19, eyes on play side safety. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4steps into the option fake pivot into a 3-step drop. Throw crack to seam unless safety gets depth off of your fake and runs with the seam, then throw drag route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. A LATE THROW WILL BE PICKED BY BACKSIDE SAFETY! Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 House Right
Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Brag Left Playaction QB Reads Versus 2-Safety Looks F S C C B B E T N T E 2-Safety Look BRAG PASS: QB will 18/19, eyes on backside safety. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4 steps into the option fake pivot and take a 3-step drop. Throw backside post unless safety gets depth, then throw drag route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Brag Left
(66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Horn Right Playaction QB Reads Versus 2-Safety Looks F S C C B B E T N T E 2-Safety Look HORN PASS: QB will fake 18/19, eyes on play side Corner. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4 steps into the option fake pivot into take a 3-step drop. Throw corner route unless Corner gets depth off of your fake, then throw Hitch route. Put air under the ball, but be firm to the corner (throw in the hole under safety), on a line to the pivot route. (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Horn Right
Playaction QB Reads Versus 1-Safety Looks F C C A B B S E T T E SEAM PASS: QB will fake 12/13, eyes on play side safety. One-step drop off the mesh fake. Throw seam unless he gets depth off of your fake and moves into the window, then throw short dig route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 12 Seam Right
Playaction QB Reads Versus 1-Safety Looks F C C A B B S E T T E HOUSE PASS: QB will fake 18/19, eyes on play side safety. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4 steps into the option fake pivot into a 3-step drop. Throw crack to seam unless safety gets depth off of your fake and runs with the seam, then throw drag route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 House Right
Playaction QB Reads Versus 1-Safety Looks F C C A B B S E T T E BRAG PASS: QB will fake 18/19, eyes on play side safety. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4 steps into the option fake pivot into a 3-step drop. Throw backside post unless safety gets depth, then throw drag route. Put air under the ball, but be firm. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Brag Left
Playaction QB Reads Versus 1-Safety Looks F C C A B B S E T T E HORN PASS: QB will fake 18/19, eyes on play side Corner. To the Rt: 4 steps into the option fake, take a 3-step drop. To the Lt: 4 steps into the option fake pivot into a 3-step drop. Throw corner route unless Corner gets depth off of your fake, then throw Hitch route. Put air under the ball, but be firm to the corner (throw in the hole), on a line to the pivot route. Play call as shown: (66 Protection) Lizzy Action 18 Horn Right